EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 1 3 July 2006 Gyor, VPL in Europe Kees Schuur MSc. Foundation EC-VPL ECommovation BV Foundation CH-Q NL/B
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, V aluation of P rior L earning
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, The Bottle Is Half-full
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Content 1.Introduction to VPL 2.Another way of thinking 3.The role of VPL
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Content 1.Introduction to VPL 2.Another way of thinking 3.The role of VPL
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Targets of VPL I Individual: stimulating self-investment in learning WE Organisation: (a) facilitating self-investment and (b) articulation of competencies (c) become a learning organisation THEY System: learning (matching) made to measure midterm-effect: turning learning into employability end-effect: turning employability into enjoyability
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, steps of VPL Aware- ness Star- ting/ targets Prepar ation & PDP Retro- spective Choose stan- dard Valu - ation Vali- dation Pro- spec- tive Wor- king on PDP Empo- wer- ment CommitmentRecognitionValuationDevelopmentEmpo- wer- ment VPL narrow VPL wide
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, steps of VPL in 5 phases 1. Committment and awareness of the value of competences mine & ours = vision, goals, SWOT 2. Recognition (formal and informal) of my competences retrospective = function-profiles, portfolio 3. Valuation and validation of my competences formal, informal, prospective = standard-setting, assessment, certification, advice 4. (Advice concerning the) Development of my competences = Personal Development Plan, learning made to measure 5. Structurally embedding VPL in my organisation = evaluation, new HRM
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, From: Inquiry in informal learning environments Ash D, C Klein Characteristics of informal learning
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Valuation From: Getting recognisaed, giving credit,
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Implicit learning Experiental learning Explicit learning Unplanned Self-initiated Planned Targets? Structured targets/standard Informal Learning Non-formal Learning Formal Learning
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Valuation - of all learning activities - in all learning environments - indepent of the learning path - independent of the learning style - proven in contexts
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Content 1.Introduction to VPL 2.Another way of thinking 3.The role of VPL
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Barcelona (EU education: world quality reference) Copenhagen (Enhanced co-operation in VET) Maastricht (Transparency, Quality and Mutual Trust) Europass (European CV, mobility pass, language portfolio, …) ECTS Common European Principles for the identification and validation of non-formal and informal learning (Purpose, individual entitlement, institutional obligations, confidence and trust, credibility and legitimacy, impartiality) Europe
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Policy in Europe common principles 1. Purpose is validation of any learning outcome (sum./form.) 2. Validation is individual and voluntary 3. Institutions and stakeholders facilitate individuals 4. Transparancy of services and quality-control 5. Independent assessment 6. Validation is an integral process Instruments - Europass: integral approach - managing diversity in Europe
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, The European Learning Regions
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, New business strategies With the increasing speed of change in the network economy: The market manages your offer Learning paths The market prices your offer Value of competences The market markets your offer Informal job acquisition
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Management Mind-set (S.Davis, 1998)
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, VALUATION PROCESS OF COMPETENCES: THE POWER OF CONTROL Self-evaluation Self-estimation Self-assessment External evaluation External assessment External estimation Validation Formal Accreditation DYNAMIC: processes and valuation Personal development (c) CH-Q INFORMAL FORMAL Norm setting NVQ Branch Company Social Self Frame law, decrees, forms, regulations STATIC: system, procedures, norms
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, The ICEBERG of COMPETENCES work training and experiences Civil education Other workexperiences Voluntary work, hobby, private VISIBLE RECOGNISED NOT VISIBLE
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Content 1.Introduction to VPL 2.Another way of thinking 3.The role of VPL
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Role of VPL - (Re-)activation of actors - Efficiency - Valuing all learning - Changing role of education - Increasing motivation - Following economic, social and natural rules - Tools / instruments / procedures - Adaptation of quality approaches - Changing vision
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Learning points 1.Approach (individual, half-full) 2.Change law & regulations (all contexts, for everyone) 3.Validity & Independent assessment & separation of roles 4.Acknowledgement (Individual power of control, inter-/national – regional – sectoral – company – individual) 5.Transparency & civil effect (crossing borders, holistic, bottom- up and top-down) 6.Accessibility 7.Responsability & accountability
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, C ritical success factors - Awareness - Motivation - Access - Quality assurance - Perspectives: civil and career effects - Financing VPL - EQF
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Conclusion The main challenges: 1. Open up the learning system for VPL 2. Motivate people (= create offer-development-orientation) 3. Articulation of competence-profiles (= create demand-steering) 4. Cross-border recognition of competences 5. All learning contexts 6. Formative and summative 7. Bottom-up and Top-down: Individual power of control 8. Learning from each other 9. Making learning enjoyable
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, VPL2: Managing diversity VP2L: (?) Valuation Prior-to-Learning Future
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Questions 1. How to motivate people to invest in themselves? 2. How to make education customer-oriented? 3. Can organisations formulate their need for competences? 4. Who pays for lifelong learning? 5. How to bridge sectoral effect and civil effect? 6. How to secure access? 7. How to have trust in I, we and us?
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Thank you !
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Well done !
EC-VPL ▀ ▀ ▀ VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING 3 July Gyor, Looking forward !