Branding Name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or groups of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition. – AMA awareness, reputation, image, distinctiveness from competition intangibles surrounding the tangible brand elements (package, trademark etc.)
Branding The only products that branding is not important are commodities No way to identify one product from another Example: Wheat, Carrots, Milk The Marketing for commodities are done by boards in order to promote the industry as a whole
Brand Names Two types of brand names Corporate Dominant Include the name of the manufacturing company Product will be associated with all of the positive aspects people have for that corporation Example: Roots, McDonalds, American Eagle
Brand Names Product Dominant Try to connect a product with psotive attributes it has Brand names are made up of words designed to be associative Less marketing work is needed if you are describing the product right in the name Examples: Red Bull, Energizer, Fancy Feast, Speedy Auto Glass
Brand Names Private-label brands In the last decade these are becoming more and more popular Separates the manufacturer from the product itself Often offered exclusively in one store These brands will be strategically packaged, placed and priced compared to larger, more popular brand names Example: Presidence Choice – Zehrs Life – Shopper’s Drug Mark Mastercraft – Canadian Tire
Slogans A short, Catchy Phrase that is always attached to the company’s name and logo. Goals of a slogan State the brand name Identifies the differentiation of the brand Memorable Reinforces Positive Emotions or Feelings
Identify the following Slogans:
“It tastes Awful. And it works”
“I’m Loving it”
Mm Mm Good
Buy it. Sell it. Love it.
Don’t Leave Home Without It
Think Outside The Bun
Logos The accepted generic term for all of the symbolic ways to create a brand. Three different possibilities Stylized Writing of the company’s name or initials These brands want the companies name to speak for itself, often are involved in many different areas and product categories Visual Symbols Animals, people or objects that a company wants to be associated with their brand
Logos Abstract Symbols Shapes that carry a visual message but are not representative of identifiable objects. Easily reproduced but distinct from other symbols and logos
SHAPES Logos are often very simplistic shapes Most common Circle Any idea why??
Logo Contest We will go through 100 logos See how many you can name Name which style of logo they are stylized writing symbols Abstract 1 point for each correct
Assignment From the list of logos we just went through Brainstorm A list of logos that are stylized writing A list of logos that are symbols A list of logos that are abstract