Looking at Aristotle’s Rhetorical appeals Ethos/Pathos/Logos How can I tell the difference? Ethos/Pathos/Logos How can I tell the difference?


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Presentation transcript:

Looking at Aristotle’s Rhetorical appeals Ethos/Pathos/Logos How can I tell the difference? Ethos/Pathos/Logos How can I tell the difference?

Aristotle’s means of persuasion  The Greek philosopher Aristotle divided the means of persuasion (rhetorical appeals) into three categories--Ethos, Pathos, Logos.

Ethos (Greek for 'character') Credibility  Ethos is often conveyed through tone and style of the message  It can also be affected by the writer's reputation, expertise in the field, his or her previous record or integrity  How does it work? We tend to believe people whom we respect.  Ethos is often conveyed through tone and style of the message  It can also be affected by the writer's reputation, expertise in the field, his or her previous record or integrity  How does it work? We tend to believe people whom we respect.

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Pathos (Greek for 'suffering' or 'experience') Emotion  Language choice affects the audience's emotional response appealing to the audience's sympathies and imagination.  to identify with the writer's point of view-- to feel what the writer feels  Language choice affects the audience's emotional response appealing to the audience's sympathies and imagination.  to identify with the writer's point of view-- to feel what the writer feels

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Logos (Greek for 'word') Reasoning  the logic of the reasons, and the effectiveness of its supporting evidence  persuading by the use of reasoning  the logic of the reasons, and the effectiveness of its supporting evidence  persuading by the use of reasoning

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3 Ways  The rhetorical appeals are made through:  Language  Visual Elements  Ideology  The rhetorical appeals are made through:  Language  Visual Elements  Ideology

Language  The words authors use to connect with the audience and represent their ideas as reasonable and compelling

Visual Elements  The drawings, photographs, graphs, and other images that are used to enhance, support, and extend rhetorical appeals

Ideology  The worldview or set of values and beliefs used to change the readers’ minds about something.  The writers ability to make themselves credible  The worldview or set of values and beliefs used to change the readers’ minds about something.  The writers ability to make themselves credible

Advertisement Challenge  Read advertisements in newspapers and magazine and identify if they are using ethos, pathos, logos