BELLRINGER Write an argument for or against the death penalty. Remember, use pathos, ethos, logos. You have 10 minutes.
REVIEW PROPAGANDA Name Calling Bandwagon Snob Appeal Loaded Words Misuse of Statistics Glittering Generalities Transfer Technique Testimonial
“Four out of five dentists recommend sugarless gum for their patients who chew gum”
95% of homework assigned is busy work and is not beneficial to the student! 95% of homework assigned is busy work and is not beneficial to the student!
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: 1. HOW DO WRITERS & SPEAKERS PERSUADE AUDIENCES? 2. HOW DO AUDIENCE & OCCASION IMPACT A SPEECH? 3. HOW DOES THE MODE OF DELIVERY SHAPE THE MESSAGE? Objectives 1. Identify elements of ethos, pathos, logos in an advertisement using evidence 2. Articulate examples of how audience and purpose affect techniques of persuasion in their own experience and in selected advertisements Standards: RI6: Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is particularly effective, analyzing how style and content contribute to the power, persuasiveness, or beauty of the text SL3: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, assessing the stance, premises, links among ideas, word choice, points of emphasis, and tone used L3: Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning of style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening
HW: APPLY Consider how ethos, pathos, and logos are used in advertisements to influence consumer decisions. Examining how advertisers target audiences and choose the strategies to influence the decisions, find advertisements for cars that appeal to two different markets (example: fuel-efficient car and a luxury vehicle). Targeted questions: 1. Who is the target audience? (support your answer with evidence) 2. What elements of ethos, pathos, or logos do you see? 3. Which appeal is most prominent in this? Why do you think this appeal was chosen for this target audience? 4. Is the use of the appeal(s) effective for the intended audience? Why/why not? Answers must be written in COMPLETE sentences. You can write in paragraph form, or in number and answer form.