Unit 1 – Principles of Anatomy and Physiology in Sport
Flexion- bending of a joint / joint angle reducing Extension- straightening of a joint / joint angle increasing Abduction- moving away from body Adduction- moving toward the body Rotation- around its axis Supination- rotation of arm to palm-up position Pronation- palm down Circumduction- swinging arms in circles with a fixed point Inversion- turning foot so sole is inward Eversion- sole is out Plantarflexion – pointing toes away Dorsi Flexion – pulling toes up towards you Elevation – raising up Depression - lowering Types of Movement
1 - Fixed – fibrous Bone ends fixed together by thick bands of fibrous tissue – no movement - skull 2 - Slightly moveable – cartilaginous Bone ends are separated by a pad of fibro – cartilage – small amount of movement - vertebrae 3 - Freely moveable – synovial Bone ends are separated by a ‘gap’ filled with synovial fluid – lots of movement - hip
Pad of fibrocartilage
Joint NameMovementsExample Ball & SocketFlexion, Extension, Rotation, Circumduction, Abduction, Adduction Hip & Shoulder HingeFlexion, ExtensionElbow & Knee GlidingSliding in all directionsCarpals PivotRotationC1 & C2 SaddleFlexion, Extension, limited Rotation, Circumduction, Abduction, Adduction Thumb CondyloidFlexion, Extension, Adduction, Abduction, Circumduction wrist