Bring It Home! Using Data Measurement
Santa Fe Benchmarks Report What Gets Measured, Gets Managed! ●A ‘progress report’ to show us where we are ●Guides effective planning, such as upcoming 25 year ●Influences policy and actions ●Measures success
The Prius Effect
Benchmark Categories ●Water ●Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy ●Waste & Recycling ●Jobs, Education, and Training ●Transportation ●Land Management
Our Benchmarks ●Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Community Consumption City Government Consumption Greenhouse Gas emissions Renewable Energy Generation (City and Government)
Our Benchmarks ●Water Gallons Per Capita Per Day Total Production Renewable Water Sources Efficiency Incentives Education
Our Benchmarks ●Land Management Conserved Land Parkland Urban Growth Mixed-Use Land Development Watershed Food Security and Community Gardens
Our Benchmarks ●Transportation Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled Bicycling and Walkability Public Transit Personal Vehicles Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Car Sharing
Our Benchmarks ●Waste & Recycling Waste Produced Diversion Recycling Rate Compost Production
Our Benchmarks ●Jobs, Education, and Training Sustainability-related jobs Education and training programs (high school and college) K-8 Education
City Progress Reports
Choosing Effective Projects
Which Indicator Did the Reusable Bag Ordinance Move? ●Water ●Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy ●Waste & Recycling ●Jobs, Education, and Training ●Transportation ●Land Management
To move Santa Fe’s indicators…
Issue: Hunger Food Not Bombs
Issue: Sweatshop labor seamrippers
Issue: Waste Bring a plate to school day!
Resources for Choosing Effective Local Projects
Group Planning ● Select a topic based on your interest or expertise ● Over lunch, discuss with your group the summary of background information provided ● Brainstorm community initiatives that could move the indicator ● Create a plan for a project that can be completed in 3 months time