The Judicial Branch of Government By Matthew Lewis and Sean Copenhaver
Checks Can declare executive actions unconstitutional through the power of judicial review Can declare laws passed by congress unconstitutional Judges, once appointed for life, are free from controls from the executive branch
Powers Ratifies constitutional amendments Interprets and applies law Is in charge of the court system
Current Event Analysis In Libya the residents are upset with the government's ways because the people want rights. This would never happen in the U.S. because of our constitutional rights such as the freedom of peaceful assembly and petition. All the government's power is derived from the people here, where as in Libya, power is almost completely contracted from the government. Our rights protect our freedoms and so does our loyal government. Libya lacks a substantial central government that can insure them the rights that they deserve, and make a promise to protect them unless one does something horrific and illegal.
Branch of Government Analysis If we didn't have the Judicial Branch, our country would be chaos. Even though we have the police and the executive branch, crime would be everywhere because we would not have judges to arrest anyone. Also, the Legislative Branch would be allowed to pass unconstitutional laws and there would be no one there to stop it. Another reason why we need the Judicial Branch is because many people would lose their jobs and not just the judges but the lawyers also. That is why the Judicial Branch is so important to our country.
Current Event Data There have been numerous protests in Libya At least 100 citizens have perished in Libya Police are firing rubber bullets and throwing tear gas into the crowds of protesters Internet connection has been completely cut off in Libya
Images of Libya Protests Gadhafi, the corrupt leader of Libya Protesters that took over a military tank Libyan girl kicking a poster with an image of Gadhafi on it
More Images of Libya “Anti-Gadhafi” poster telling him to put his killing of Libyan citizens to an end Protesters with Libyan flag Map of where Libyan protests took place
Images of Libyans with weapons Protester with AK74U submachine gun Tear gas in the streets of Libya Rubber bullet shotgun used to hold off protesters in Libya
More Weapons a used tear gas canister A used rubber bullet Effects of rubber bullets
Citations &source=imghp&biw=1276&bih=591&q=p rotests+in+libya&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=&aql= &oq=&safe=active &source=imghp&biw=1276&bih=591&q=p rotests+in+libya&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=&aql= &oq=&safe=active ch ch government/judicial-branch government/judicial-branch
More Citations cial.html cial.html Powers.html Powers.html onstitution/a/checks_balances.htm onstitution/a/checks_balances.htm nb.html nb.html
More Citations /libya-arrests-at-least-14-for-trying-to- organize-anti-government-protest.html /libya-arrests-at-least-14-for-trying-to- organize-anti-government-protest.html bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2011/02/18/internati onal/i215236S62.DTL&tsp=1 bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2011/02/18/internati onal/i215236S62.DTL&tsp=1
More Citations m-security/2011/0221/Libya-protests- spread-to-capital-city-of-Tripoli m-security/2011/0221/Libya-protests- spread-to-capital-city-of-Tripoli cuts-off-internet-service--network-monitorhttp:// cuts-off-internet-service--network-monitor l_nm/us_libya_protests l_nm/us_libya_protests