Apple Fireworks Mystery Case Number: JW
The Facts… The Apple Fireworks Company (AFC) based out of Uranium, VA, is in the process of submitting a proposal for the 2007 Apple Blossom festival. While reviewing chemical inventory at AFC, several containers with chemicals used in the preparation of fireworks were found with no identification labels.
The Mission AFC has hired your company, the Wood Chemical Analysis Laboratory (W-CAL), to identify the chemicals present in the unlabeled containers. AFC has informed W-CAL that each of these containers is believed to contain a saturated nitrate solution. AFC uses the following metals in solution to prepare its fireworks: Cu, Pb, K, Ca, Ba, and Zn.
Wood Chemical Analysis Laboratory This lab can test for several substances, including metals. The lab only uses flame tests as a final confirmation. This lab uses several major chemicals in their examinations, including MgSO 4, Na 2 CrO 4, NaBr, NaOH, Na 2 CO 3, and HCl. Various combinations of these chemicals will yield positive test results for Cu, Pb, K, Ca, Ba, and Zn.
The Assignment As members of the Wood Chemical Analysis Laboratory, your job is to analyze samples taken from the firework containers and determine what metals were present in each of these containers.
Additional Information You will have available 0.1 M solutions of the following compounds to use in your analysis: MgSO 4, Na 2 CrO 4, NaBr, NaOH, Na 2 CO 3, and HCl. Other lab equipment will be available upon request, including pH sensors and conductivity probes.
Additional Information Employees will work in teams of 2 or 3. Each team of employees will be responsible for testing the six firework samples. A supervisor is available that may have additional information that may be of assistance in your investigation.
Your Conclusions Once your team has completed its investigation, you are to report your results with conclusive support for your decisions.
Your Report The following information is essential to your final report: - team members - sample container numbers - tests performed - results of tests - conclusions (these need to be supported with logical evidence)
Expected Results MgSO 4 Na 2 CrO 4 NaOHNa 2 CO 3 HClNaBr Ba 2+ xxxxx Ca 2+ xx x Cu 2+ xxx Zn 2+ xx Pb 2+ xxxxxx K+K+ xinsoluble xxslightly soluble soluble