What is it? What is it meant to do? Did people believe it?
The study of myth: A network of traditional stories about gods/goddesses and heroes. An attempt to explain natural phenomena (earthquake) and human nature (origin of words). It was believed by the people who studied it.
What are some characteristics of a myth?
Story was/is considered a true representation of the world and how it came to be Characters are often non-human (e.g. gods, goddesses, supernatural beings, first people) Plot may involve interplay between worlds Depicts events that bend or break natural laws
How were these stories passed down?
Minstrels ( traveling storytellers, often accompanied by crude instruments ) were known for entertainment and respected as news-worthy sources. People would drop whatever they were doing to interact with a minstrel.
What is an epic? What are some characteristics of an epic?
An Epic is a long narrative poem of the heroic type. Characters are beings of national importance and historical or legendary significance The setting is grand in scope, covering nations, the world, or even the universe. Action consists of deeds of great valor and courage
Gods and goddesses intervene directly in the lives of mortals. Each epic contains an epic hero (i.e. The Iliad’s hero is Achilles; The Odyssey’s hero is Odysseus)
What is an Epic Hero? What are some characteristics of an Epic Hero?
Has noble origins Faces great challenges Has his deeds prophesied Interacts with gods/goddesses and monsters/enemies Descends into the underworld/goes over to the dark side
Meets men who want to befriend him, and women who want to marry him Is fiercely intelligent, strong, brave, daring, loyal; a true family man Is greeted by a lot of feasting and hospitality– (important social customs)
Has to face down a personal flaw (often hubris) or demon in order to prevail. Returns home changed by the journey.
Written by Homer (blind poet) The Iliad: 750 B.C., Story of the Trojan war; Achilles is the hero What were the primary and secondary causes of the Trojan War?
Primary Cause : Constant rivalry on all levels between Trojans and Greeks. Secondary Cause : Helen/Beauty contest; “The face that could launch 1,000 ships.”
“The Trojan Horse” was Odysseus’ idea The Odyssey (24 books): 730 B.C., The story of Odysseus’ journey home, he’s the hero
1. It sets the groundwork for every novel we have today. 2. Odysseus is the original “Everyman” who must fight overwhelming forces to keep his home, wife, and family safe. 3. How many books have been on the best sellers list for 3,000 years?
4. Everyone likes stories of adventure, suspense, and danger. 5. Eternal theme: Everyone leaves home eventually. How you conduct yourself along the way determines the fate of your journey.