Track Chuvash – German Grammar school Krasnoarmejskoe – The work of Fedotov Alexander. The head of research work: Andreeva T. V.
Fedotov Alexander – 7th form pupil
A name - if the party had a voice What mortal would be a Bugg by choice, As a Hogg, a Grubb or a Chubb rejoice, Or any such nauseous blazon? Not to mention many a vulgar name That would make a doorplate blush for shame If doorplates were not so blazen. Thomas Hood
The plan. The Introduction. Four basic groups of English surnames Genealogic surnames Local surnames Professional-official English surnames Descriptive English surnames The origin of surnames. Scottish, Irish and Welsh surnames The list of the most widespread Scottish, Welsh and the Irish surnames The list of the most common surnames in England
The purpose of the paper: To find out all about English surnames To explore The Origin and Meaning of Surnames To Learn how English surnames originated To Learn History of English surnames
Four basic groups of English surnames Genealogic In a place of residing Descriptive On an occupation (is professionally-official)
Here the list of possible sources of its origin: In a place of residing of its carrier: at a leg or neck of land; From Ancient Scandinavian name Legg (reduced from Legard); From the obsolete form of word Leigh/Ley; From a nickname of the quick, dexterous person (compare expression to show a leg); From a trade of the dealer stockings and linen (it is traditional on a signboard has been represented the leg); From a signboard of a pub-beer which was visited often by these dealers. Element often meeting in English surnames-cock could occur: From Welsh cock ' red '; From a nickname early the rising person (The Cocke of Westminster); From one of the oldest traditional images on signboards of taverns, inns and shops, which owners named, for example, John or Walter atte Cock. From here surnames Adcock, Atcock, Acock; From Old English name Cocca (most often meeting case); As a result of erroneous analogy with Cook.
The list of the most widespread Scottish, Welsh and the Irish surnames: Scottish Irish Welsh Campbel Murphy Roberts Duncan Kelly Jones Ferguson Sullivan Davies Macdonald Walsh Williams Douglas O'Brian Thomas Gordon Ryan Edwards Armstrong Connor Hughes Stewart Scott Wallace
The list of the most common surnames in England: Alien/Allan James Richardson Anderson Johnson Ross Bailey Jones Smith Baker King Spencer Bennett Lee Taylor Brown Lewis Turner Carter Martin Walker Clark Miller Watson Cook Mitchell White Cooper Moore Wilson Doyle Morgan Wood Evans Morris Wright Green Murray Young Harrison Parker Hill Patterson Jackson Phillips