Agencys Type Of Government Presidential Powers TaxesCompromise
- F.B.I Row Question
- Agency within the national government that who is responsible for enforcing the nations law Row Answer
- O.S.H.A Row Question
-Agency within the national government that insures the safety or workers Row Answer
- C.D.C Row Question
- Agency within the government that researches diseases and treatments Row Answer
- F.D.A Row Question
- Agency that makes sure that the foods and medicines that are available to the public are safe for consumption Row Answer
- F.A.A Row Question
- Agency that investigates aviation accidents and regulates air traffic Row Answer
- Communist Row Question
- Type of government where the government owns and controls all aspects of life its citizens Row Answer
- Dictatorship Row Question
- Type of government that is usually controlled by one person who allows very little freedom or opposition Row Answer
Row Question - Theocracy
- Type of government that is ruled by religious leaders Row Answer
Row Question - Socialist
- Type of government where individuals and government share ownership in major businesses and government takes on a greater role in citizen lives Row Answer
- Monarchy Row Question
- A form of government led by king or a queen Row Answer
- Immunity Row Question
- Legal terms for begin free from prosecution Row Answer
- Pardons Row Question
- Legal terms for someone being forgiven for a crime that was committed Row Answer
- Reprieves Row Question
- Legal terms for delaying the punishment given to someone Row Answer
- Amnesty Row Question
- Legal terms for given a pardon to a large group of people Row Answer
- Administration Row Question
- Term for people who work closely with the President and his staff Row Answer
- Virginia Plan Row Question
- Government proposed by James Madison at the Convention – it called for a three branch government with a legislature based on population Row Answer
- New Jersey Plan Row Question
- Government plan presented by Williams Patterson that called for legislature based on state equality and a group executive power Row Answer
- Great Compromise Row Question
- Agreement made at the convention of 1787 that created a two house legislature with one house based on population and the other based on state equality Row Answer
- 3/5 Compromise Row Question
- Agreement made at the Convention of 1787 that slaves would count as 3/5 a person for the census to determine the population of each state Row Answer
- Slave Trade Compromise Row Question
- Agreement at the convention of 1787 that congress would not tax exports and slave trading could be banned in 20 years Row Answer
- Progressive Tax Row Question
- Tax that is based on the ability of a person to pay and people who make money should pay a greater percentage Row Answer
- Regressive Tax Row Question
- Tax that is paid on an equal percentage by everyone ---can be unfair to those with less of a disposable income Row Answer
- Income Tax Row Question
- Tax that is based on money one earns and this tax is usually progressive Row Answer
- Excise Tax Row Question
- Tax that is placed upon certain items such as gas, alcohol, and cigarettes Row Answer
- Tariffs Row Question
- Tax rate that is placed upon certain items as they are imported into the nation Row Answer