Advance History Unit:.  Third Human Space program from NASA.  Kennedy proposed it after NASA had put one man in orbit  1961-1972 (1968-1972)  24 billion.


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Presentation transcript:

Advance History Unit:

 Third Human Space program from NASA.  Kennedy proposed it after NASA had put one man in orbit  ( )  24 billion dollars  400,000 employees  Built two more space complexes (Johnson and Kennedy)  Went with the Lunar Orbit Rendezvous mission.  Put 12 men on the moon.

 After Vostok and Voskhod  1 st Generation – Soyuz 1-11 ( )  2 nd – ( )  3 rd – ( )  4 th – current – 4 th version (1986-present) ▪ Cargo, unmanned, manned  As of 2011 and the retirement of the Shuttle, the only way we can get people to the ISS is the Soyuz  Two launch sites in Russia and one in South America (French Guinea)

 Apollo 1  January 27 th, 1966  The crew of Grissom, White, and Chaffee were not happy with the capsule  Plugs out test – run on its own power  Grissom’s microphone got stuck open, “how can we get to the moon if we can’t talk between three buildings”.  Then a report of fire in the cabin. Then report of bad fire in cabin, “I am burning up” then a scream. Took 5 min to get door open  Problems: 100% oxygen cabin  Non insulated wiring  Flammable materials in cabin  Nylon suits replaced with beta cloth  New hatch cover that would open under high pressure

 Soyuz not ready and being rushed to beat US to moon  Soyuz 1 - Gagarin was the back-up crew, tried to get himself bumped to primary to delay project as the Politburo would not risk a national hero – didn’t work  The parachute did not open and the backup parachute got entangled with main one. Crashed into earth at 89 mph.  Vladimir Komarov – 1 st space casualty (April 1967) - cursed Vladimir Komarov  Crashed delayed development 18 months – US lands first on moon.  Soyuz 11 – (June 1971) after 22 days on the Russian Space Station, normal re-entry. Found all three dead is side. Blue with blood coming out of nose and ears. A pressure valve was stuck open and they were exposed to vacuum of space while re-entry. Conscious for about 40 seconds. Blood would have boiled.boiled  Not wearing space suits because it was a three man crew.  Soyuz would be redesigned for two wearing suits.  N1 explosion

 Apollo 7 – first manned mission  Apollo 8 – flew 10 orbits around moon (exciting)  Apollo 9 – rendezvous and docking and EVA  Apollo 10 – tested Landing Module 50,000 feet of surface of moon

 Landed at the Sea of Tranquility July 20 th, 1969  21 hours 36 min spent on moon  2 hours and 31 min outside  “one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for all mankind  Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins  Apollo 12 – 7 hours and 45 min on moon, landed at the Ocean of Storms. Walked to a satellite

 April 1970 – Lovell, Swigert, and Haise  2 days into mission – crew reported a big bang  Started losing power - a oxygen tank exploded  Considerable ingenuity to save crew  All on TV  Left the CM to the LM as a lifeboat  Carbon Dioxide started rising – need an air scrubber – made one from parts and duct tape  CM had to be shut down to have enough power to land – turning power back up could burn it out  Dropped to 40 degrees in LM  NASA’s finest hour.

 Apollo 14 – landed at Fra Macro – Sheppard, golf ball  Apollo 15 – lunar rover  Apollo 17 – Dr. Harrison H Schmitt – first scientist astronaught (Geologist)  Eugene Cernan – last man on the moon, “we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind”

 Skylab 1  Used a Saturn V Rocket to launch US first space station into orbit – would take 3 launches now.  Operational from  3 crews – did good studies on the sun  Apollo–Soyuz Test Project  Used the Saturn 1B  Docked with Russians on July 17 th,  US would not go to space until 1981 with Shuttle

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