EMENTHE – Developing Master’s level eLearnig Material in mental health Kick-off meeting at Tampere University of Applied Sciences 20. – 21.11.2013.


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Presentation transcript:

eMENTHE – Developing Master’s level eLearnig Material in mental health Kick-off meeting at Tampere University of Applied Sciences 20. –

LifeLongLearning Programme Sub-programme: Multilateral Programme Project number (to be used in all documentation): LLP FI-ERASMUS-EQR Project period in grant agreement: –  Project costs eligible only during this period

EU & Coordinating Institution Grant agreement is made between the coordinating institution (TAMK) and the EU EU transfers project funding to coordinator Note! Self-financing part is not paid Coordinator transfers project funding to project partners according to their share EU funds kept in 0% interest bank account (=not making profit for coordinator)

EU’s timetable for payments In eMENTHE project, EU pays the grant in 3 parts 40% at the beginning of the project 40% after the progress report has been accepted 20% after the final report has been accepted  Last part of the grant comes long after the end of the project TAMK follows EU’s timetable for payments: TAMK pays partner expenses ONLY when TAMK has received EU grant and only UP TO the EU grant

EU’s timetable for payments Request for Payments are paid by TAMK to partners until first 40% grant is used - normally during 2nd project year Partners must send further Requests to proof the use of project expenses These expenses are reported to the EU in the progress report - normally during 2nd project year EU pays the 2nd pre-payment, 40% after accepted progress report - normally at the end of 2nd project year

EU’s timetable for payments Note! 70 % of the first pre-payment has to be used before sending a payment request for 2nd pre- payment! It is highly important for every partner to send the payment request´s to TAMK in time!

EU’s timetable for payments After having received the 2nd 40%, TAMK pays the Requests that waited for the payment (already reported in mid-term report) TAMK pays coming Requests, until the 2nd 40% is used, too - normally mid-3rd project year Partners send Requests until the end of the project to TAMK

eMENTHE Budget Total budget: ,00€ EU-grant maximum 75% of the eligible budget used, however maximum up to ,00€ Project consortium’s self-financing in total: ,00€

Self-financing Self-financing 25% of the total eligible costs Each partner institute has self-financing, 25% of their eligible costs Self-financing must be verified Non-eligible costs can’t be included to “self-financing”

Eligible costs Only eligible costs are accepted! EU defines which costs are eligible Basic rule: “necessary for the achievement of project outcomes” (no basic functions of the institute) Eligible costs compensated according to REAL COSTS, verified by documents TAMK as coordinator has a financial and juridical responsibility of the project

Money for what? Budget categories (staff costs, travel etc.) cannot be mixed Each expenditure can only be under one heading Other costs: (budgeted for TAMK) * meeting facilities * printing of leaflets and flyers * Information event in Brussels Subcontracting: * External evaluation * External audits

Money for travel? Travel costs: Project meetings 2/2014 virtual meeting 5/2014 Dublin 9/2014 Oxford 2/2015 Virt 8/2015 Virt 2/2016 Utrecht Closing event in Helsinki, 8/2016 Steering group meetings 4/2014, Tampere 4/2015 virtual meeting 4/2016 virtual meeting Conferences (presentations about project)

What kind of expences are accepted? 1 STAFF COSTS Needed: time sheets identifying the person, function, time spent and on what activity, signatures -Amount of work days strictly based on budget Notice! Also self-financed part must be identified

EU staff cost limits Staff costs: EU has set highest limits for staff costs per country (and per function in project) Real salary costs must be paid and reported but EU pays only up to the highest limit, the rest remains for the institution to pay If salaries are lower than EU limit, only real salary costs are paid ( not up to the highest) Amount of work (work days) that is written in the application must be fulfilled

What kind of expences are accepted? 2 TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE Max sums for travel and subsistence (per diem) indicated in the agreement per travel Per diem = accommodation and other costs (food) For per diem, no recepts needed For travel (taxi etc.) ALL receipts needed!

Travel documents Travel: Original flight tickets/boarding pass + receipts needed to TAMK-> take copies -’cheapest’ travel options should be used -No extended stays compensated -Travel days = ½ per diem

Request for Payment Invoices (requests of payment) must be sent in every 3 months periods:  1st quarter covers the expences that took place between , Request for Payment sent to TAMK on 8th January at latest  1st quarter: , request by 8th April  2nd quarter: 1.4. – , request by 8th July  3rd quarter: 1.7. – , request by 8th October  4th quarter: – request by 8th January Payments will be made only to the bank account stated in the agreement Financial framework accepted by the EU -> no extra costs accepted

EU Exchange rate EU Exchange rates must be used always in cases where the expenses have been paid in other currency than Euro (SEK and GBP) According to the Article in Grant Agreement the currency rate used is 10/2013 The rate for Sweden: 8, The rate for UK: 0,84000 Note! Currency losses are not eligible costs!

Financial administration ”good governance”and book keeping required Copies of bills, tickets, timesheets required Responsibility to store financial documents (accounting records, ticket-copies etc.) for 5 years! Evaluation through mid-and final report, outputs, documents, external evaluation 100 % of the project´s costs must be recorded in the accounting records of the institution

Reporting to the EU Financial reports from partners every 3 months with time sheets Self-evaluations (monitoring tool) Progress report by at the latest ”mid-term evaluation” Final report, submission within 60 days after the end of the project = at the latest Continuous ’documentation’

Agreements Only TAMK signs the agreement with the Commission Partner agreements to be signed between TAMK and each partner institution Agreement defines the rights and duties of partners Must be signed by the head of the institution

Any questions? For financial issues: Annika Latva For content issues: Nina Kilkku, Camilla Kalevo