The Holy Spirit is the “active agent” of the Godhead who is committed to fulfilling God’s will and purpose.
“The Father brings forth, The Son disposes and arranges, The Holy Spirit perfects” -Abraham Kuyper
The Holy Spirit Works in at Least Three Ways
I. THE SPIRIT’S WORK IN THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE I. THE SPIRIT’S WORK IN THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE Genesis 1:1,2 “hovering” or “moving – “KJV” is only found in one other place in the Hebrew Scriptures – Deuteronomy 32:11 Holy Spirit during creation worked in a loving, caring and nurturing manner. Genesis 2:7 Job 33:4
I. SPIRIT’S WORK IN PHYSICAL UNIVERSE (Contd.) Job 34:14,15 Psalm 104:30 Job 26:13 KJV He brings forth hidden beauty, achieves form out of the formless, rouses into activity that which was dormant or slumbering, & brings all things to their fulfillment.
II. THE SPIRIT’S WORK IN UNREGENERATED MAN II. THE SPIRIT’S WORK IN UNREGENERATED MAN The Son of God touches man outwardly while the Holy Spirit touches him inwardly. - Romans 1:21 Only Holy Spirit can bridge gap between God and man – I Corinthians 2:11 Conviction is the work of God – John 16:8 II Thessalonians 2:7 Acts 5:32
III. THE SPIRIT’S WORK IN THE CHURCH III. THE SPIRIT’S WORK IN THE CHURCH “The amount of God’s power flowing out into the world is in direct proportion to the opportunity given the Holy Spirit to dwell in His Church”
III. THE SPIRIT’S WORK IN THE CHURCH (Contd.). By HIM people were converted, unity prevailed, dynamic leadership administrated and miracles were accomplished. Acts 8:26 Acts 9:10 Acts 13:2-4 Acts 15:28
III. THE SPIRIT’S WORK IN THE CHURCH (Contd.) The Holy Spirit is still involved in a.Teaching – John 14:26 b.Guiding – John 16:13 c.Showing forth God’s glory – John 16:13,15 d.Bringing to remembrance – John 14:26
CONCLUSION: Through church leadership – Acts 20:28 “There is one body and one Spirit” - Ephesians 4:4 The Spirit confers authority upon and keeps His Word alive – I Corinthians 2:13 LET HIM DO HIS WORK IN YOU!