“Tough Love”“Tough Love” –Part I, “Exposed”: loving with the heart and with the mind will require disciplining brethren living in sin (e.g. Paul). –Part II, “Explained”: exercising tough love saves the truth, the sinner, and the church. “Tough Love, 2 – Who”“Tough Love, 2 – Who”
The Reprover Jd –20, Building yourselves up, continual growth –20, Praying in the Holy Spirit Ct. 19, devoid of the spirit Aware of own weaknesses –Courage (Eph. 6:19) –Clarity (Col. 4:3-4) –“Lord, help me to help others.” Compassionate (cf. 22)
The Reprover 21a, Keep yourselves in the love of God –Building and praying are keeping –Faithful –One who is caught in (any) sin themself can’t be taken seriously and is open to charge of hypocrisy. 21b, Waiting anxiously…to eternal life, a one- track mind
The Reprover 22, Have mercy… –Cf. 21, waiting…for the mercy. We extend to others the same courtesy God extends to us. –N.B. 23, have mercy with fear, Gal. 6:1 23, Hating even the garment polluted –“Love the sinner, hate the sin.” –Ps. 119:97-104, a disciple of God’s word
The Reprover A local church may play a part in reproving the sinning brother.
The Reproved Mt. 18: (Today, v. 15 only.) –Go and show…, the beginning of tough love –Your brother, 1 Co. 5:9-13 Brother stands in contrast to of this world, a Christian A Christian’s relationship with the world may seem closer than that with a sinning brother.
Sins Later mss. add, “against you” Gal. 2:13, hypocrisy Gal. 1:9, false doctrine 1 Co. 5:11, immorality, etc. 1 Tm. 1:20, blasphemy 2 Th. 3:6, unruly –Defined in 8, 11 - laziness –6, tradition, 14, our instruction –General authority
The Reproved Abuses –Someone you don’t like. –Something you don’t like. “[Solitude] the best society.” (WG Benham, WNDOQD, p. 534)
The Reproved 2 Tm. 2:24-26 –held captive, prisoners –Come to their senses, Mk. 5:1…8, 15 In his right mind The difference is degree and deliberateness Our task is parallel to Jesus’