“An Honest Look at what it Means to be the NT “Church” in Changing Times!” Acts 1-4
But you shall receive power, when the Holy Spirit has come upon you: and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. - Acts 1:8
1. They Ministered through Constant Presence (Acts 2:46-47)
Check This Out... “Pastor... You think the Church is a movement of God to change the world” “We believe the Church should be a community organization for Christians.” - Church Member, NC
I think Christianity today is more about organized religion than about loving God and loving people
2. They Depended on a Consuming Power (Acts 1:8; 4:7)
3. They Shared a Consistent Message (Acts 2 & 3; 4:12)
If someone wanted to tell me what she or he believed about Christianity, I would be willing to listen
Asked among 502 adults age 30 or older. For this sample, margin of error is % at the 95% confidence interval. Christians I know talk to me about their beliefs too often
I would enjoy an honest conversation with a friend about religious and spiritual beliefs even if we disagree Asked among 502 adults age 30 or older. For this sample, margin of error is % at the 95% confidence interval.
4. They Possessed a Convicting Boldness (Acts 4:31)
5. They Consistently Displayed a Contagious Courage (Acts 4: 18-20) Ultimately, regardless of personal opinions, we MUST value Truth over unbiblical practices and Tradition! Disciples multiply, otherwise they are NOT biblical disciples!!!