The Gospel Transforms the World
The Gospel Transforms the World Acts 11:1-18 Just another amazing story from The Acts of the Apostles? Birth of the first Gentile church Biblical Mandate for Cross Cultural Mission
Biblical Mandate for Cross Cultural Mission (OT) Genesis 1-9; Creation Genesis 10; The Table of Nations Genesis 11; The Tower of Babel Genesis 12; The Call of Abram Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, Daniel, Jonah
Biblical Mandate for Cross Cultural Mission (Jesus) Philippians 2; “in appearance as a man” John 4; The Samaritan Woman Luke 10,11; Short Term Mission Teams Matt 24; Testimony to All Nations Matt 28; Make Disciples of All Nations
Biblical Mandate for Cross Cultural Mission (NT) Philip, Paul, Barnabas Rev 7:9; “…a great multitude… from every nation, tribe, people and language…”
The Hesitations of the Apostles Peter; “Surely not!” “We’ve never done it this way before” “wondered”, “still thinking” “hesitating” Amazed and “astonished”
Cross Cultural Mission these days Flexible, shorter, contextualised Short Term Mission Teams Societies, to agencies, to consultants Missioners arriving to the UK The Global Gospel on my street