First Baptist - KellerKen Gardner1 Man of Courage Cost of Compromise Joshua 9 The Peril of Walking by Sight
First Baptist - KellerKen Gardner2 Temptation Follows Success Deception By Gibeonites Ebal & Gerizim Ai Review Sight versus faith and fact Presumption through prayerlessness
First Baptist - KellerKen Gardner3 Satan’s Strategies Josh 9: Israel Kings west of the Jordon - WAR People of Gibeon - Ruse or DECEPTION Now the serpent …said to the woman, “Did God really say … “You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman … The woman said, “The serpent deceived me…
First Baptist - KellerKen Gardner4 Joshua’s ‘Models’ “Jericho Model”Victory – complete destruction of enemy JoshuaListen to God Follow God’s Word Victory Defeat > Victory – death of the enemy Joshua Listen to Men Act w/o Consulting God Defeat Listen to God Victory “Gibeon Model” Deception – living with the enemy Joshua Deceived by Men Act w/o Consulting God Live with Results
First Baptist - KellerKen Gardner5 Gibeon
First Baptist - KellerKen Gardner6 One of the most sophisticated water systems from the Biblical period was constructed in ancient Gibeon. The vertical shaft descends to the depth of nearly 30 meters, directly to the water level of the local underground spring. This allowed plentiful quantities of water for the residents within the walls of the city. The project was apparently carried out about 1100 years before the time of Jesus and is witness to ingenuity of the people of Gibeon.
First Baptist - KellerKen Gardner7 Deception Josh 9: 1 – 13 Dishonesty may work (short term) but Dishonesty is never a good permanent solution to difficult situations. Beware of today’s “street-smart” attitude Beware of the expedient - do whatever you need to save your neck at the time Beware of the urgent vs. the important BEWARE OF MAKING DECISIONS BASED ON SUPERFICIAL EVIDENCE Jacob tricked Isaac, is cheated by Laban David covers up his sin – almost Ananias & Sapphira lie to the Holy Spirit Deception through Disguise
First Baptist - KellerKen Gardner8 Deception through Disguise (1) They played on their sympathies by appearing as weary travelers who had been on a long journey. Their garments were dirty and worn, their food was dry and moldy (or hard, crumbly), their wineskins old and patched, and their sandals worn and thin. (2) They played on their egos and their sense of pride. They insisted they came from a great distance to show their respect for the power of the God of the Israelites and wanted to be allowed to live as the servants of Israel. Caught off guard, Joshua and the leaders of Israel listened to the ruse of the Gibeonites and they made two mistakes: They made the mistake of allowing the Gibeonites to play on their emotions. They accepted the evidence, though questionable, without further and more reliable evidence. Here we see the peril of sight versus faith and fact. The primary mistake, however, is not seeking counsel from the Lord. They should have sought direction from the Lord through the Urim and Thummim. Here we see the peril of presumption through prayerlessness
First Baptist - KellerKen Gardner9 Gullibility - The Error Josh 9: 14 – Self-deception / genuine confusion 2. Misplaced confidence 3. Overconfidence 4. Failure to consult God & His Word Gibeonite philosophy, expediency rules - urgent vs. important Josh 9:14 The men of Israel sampled their provisions but did not inquire of the LORD. “We are inclined to believe those whom we do not know because they have never deceived us." – Samuel Johnson
First Baptist - KellerKen Gardner10 Integrity Josh 9: 16 – 27 Acknowledge the error, mistake (sin) Hold steady – instead of looking for loopholes Avoid “two wrongs” Keep our commitments – even when difficult RECOGNIZE WHEN YOU MAKE A BAD DECISION - YOU WILL HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES How to Avoid Deception
First Baptist - KellerKen Gardner11 How to Avoid Deception Prov 3:5-7 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. Prov 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. James 1:5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
First Baptist - KellerKen Gardner12 Avoiding Deception “When common sense says that a course is right, lift up your head to God, for the path of faith and the path of blessing may be in a direction completely opposite to that which you call common sense. When voices tell you that action is urgent, that something must be done immediately, refer everything to heaven. Then, if you are still in doubt, dare to stand still. If called on to act and you have not time to pray, don’t act. If you are called on to move in a certain direction and cannot wait until you have peace with God about it, don’t move. Be strong enough and brave enough to dare to stand and wait on God, for none of them that wait on Him shall ever be ashamed. That is the only way to outmatch the devil.” [Alan Redpath, Victorious Christian Living: Studies in the Book of Joshua. (Westwood, NJ: Fleming Revell Co., 1955) pp ]
First Baptist - KellerKen Gardner13 Discussion Time The men of Israel … did not inquire of the LORD.