Are landfills the best way to get rid of our environment’s trash? By: Chika and Erica
Outline of Our Presentation I. What is a landfill A.Will explain what a land fill is and how it was used previously II. Stance on the issue A. Why it is the safest place to dump our trash III. Other methods of disposing our trash A. Burning Of trash B.Dumping trash into the ocean IIII. Summary of landfills
What is a landfill? A method of disposal of waste products on land. The trash that is picked up weekly at your house is dumped into a landfill
Before In the yesteryears garbage was dumped in a pit outside of town. Resulted in disease carrying pests: flies, mosquitoes, and rats. When it rained poisonous liquids would seep into groundwater and contaminate drinking supply.
Stance on Issue Currently Landfills are the safest way to dispose of waste. - usually situated in secluded areas - modernized to protect environment
Reasons for supporting landfill use (1) Today’s landfills are situated between clay deposits and other land features. These act as a barrier between waste and the environment. indicate the flow of leachate.
Reason 2 The bottom of modern landfills are layered with clay and plastic materials. keeps liquid waste called leachate from getting into our soil.
Reason 3 Ground wells are drilled so that landfill monitors can check the quality of the ground water supply. Ensures contamination does not occur.
Other methods for disposing of waste Burning trash: - disrupts normal levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. - greenhouse effect - global warming
Other methods for disposing of waste Dumping trash into the ocean: - pollutes water and destroys marine habitats - wipes out species - makes for unhealthy beach conditions
Summary Landfills promote safe disposal of waste Utilize recycled materials Leaching is prevented Usually away from populated areas Minimize release of harmful gases into air
References Around the world. How landfills work. June Energy information administration. Modern landfill. June Mohamed F. Hamoda. (2006).Air pollutants Emissions form waste treatment and Disposal, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, 41(9), Pg. 77. Paras R. Pujari and Vijaya Deshpande. (2005). Source Apportionment of Groundwater Pollution Around Landfill Site in Nagpur India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 111(12), Pg UK groundwater forum. Cross-section of a modern landfill. June