CBEDS REPORT Ramona Unified School District October 15, 2015
CBEDS California Basic Educational Data System All districts take enrollment on same date Always the first Wednesday in October (7 th ) All the numbers must be certified by the State Remember: Enrollment ties into Average Daily Attendance, which translates into dollars These enrollment numbers are a key to the financial health of Ramona Unified
CBEDS Over the Years CBEDS Enrollment 6130 Decline of 112 Students CBEDS Enrollment 5865 Decline of 265 Students CBEDS Enrollment 5730 Decline of 135 Students CBEDS Enrollment 5692 Decline of 38 Students CBEDS Enrollment 5586 Decline of 106 students
Change from Projections ▪ The 5,586 students enrolled are 2 greater than the CBED number that was projected last February ▪ The elementary schools actual saw their enrollment increase by 15 students ▪ The middle grades declined by 31 students and the upper grades declined by 84 students
Enrollment as of CBEDS TK-6 School Sites Diff. HE RE BE JD MW RCMS MVA (TK-6)9690-6
Enrollment as of CBEDS Secondary School Sites Diff. OPMS MVA (7 & 8) RHS MHS MVA (9 thru 12) FB3641 5
Enrollment as of CBEDS K-6 Grade Level Population TKK HE RE BE JD MW RCMS MVA Totals
Enrollment as of CBEDS 7-8 Grade Level Population 7th8th OPMS MVA1918 Totals403440
Enrollment as of CBEDS 9-12 Grade Level Population 9th10th11th12th RHS MHS MVA FB Totals
General Education Three-Year Grade Level Comparison TK446283TK K K Total Total
Conclusions ▪ By inspecting the cohorts group from the chart ▪ Both the middle and upper grades will continue to be lower next year ▪ The lower grades should remain steady for another year ▪ At the beginning of the year, staff will begin the process of determining the projections which will be presented at the February Board meeting