SFA At-Risk Afterschool Meal Program Training Recordkeeping and Monitoring
Daily Recordkeeping The following records must be kept daily: Daily Attendance Number of meals prepared or delivered Number of meals served to participants Number of meals served to program adults *Delivery receipts *Delivery receipts are only needed for sites that vend or receive meals.
Daily Attendance Daily attendance must be taken each day meals are served. The participants first and last name need to be listed on the attendance records. The SFA may choose the best way for their site(s) to obtain this information, or, they may use the State Agency form.
Example of Attendance Record
Daily Attendance Daily attendance records need to be kept on-site. These records will be examined if the site or sponsor were to be reviewed.
Record of Meals 17-9 The 17-9 form is used to capture the following information: Number of meals prepared or delivered Number of meals served to participants Number of meals served to program adults
Record of Meals Served 17-9 A site may use a method best suited for them to take a daily meal count.. Ideas to obtain number of meals served: Sign in sheets or Attendance Records may be used. Student NSL numbers may be scanned to obtain this information. A head count or tally sheets may also be used. Totals will be transferred to the 17-9 at the end of each meal service.
Record of Meals 17-9 A copy of the 17-9 should be turned into the sponsor monthly. The record needs to stay at the site for review purposes.
Program Adult A program adult is someone that works with the At-Risk Meal program Individual that takes meal counts Individual(s) that prepare and/or serve meals Teachers, administrators, parents, etc. are not considered a program adult
Monitor Reviews Sites may be monitored by their sponsor on the same schedule as the regular school monitor reviews. NSL monitor review forms may be used as a review for the at-risk program, or, the CACFP monitor review form may be used. A copy of all monitor review documentation needs to be kept on file at the site.
Training Sponsors need to conduct training on program duties, and responsibilities. Training must be conducted on civil rights compliance to frontline staff prior to the beginning of program operations.
Training Topics Program meal pattern Daily attendance Meal counts Recordkeeping requirements Civil rights
Documentation of Training The following must be documented during a training session: Date of training Location of the training Topics discussed during the training Names and signatures of people trained Signature of person that conducted the training
On-Site Recordkeeping The following documents for the current fiscal year must be maintained on-site: Attendance Records Record of Meals Served form 17-9 Menu Records Monitor reviews Training Documentation If a sponsor needs to keep the documentation at the sponsor office as well, please make copies. Documentation from the previous year(s) need to be kept on file at the sponsors office.
Questions Contact Information Faith Corbin ext