Harvest Ridge School Improvement Plan Update January 17, 2014
Achievement Goal Harvest Ridge Elementary Reading cohort groups will increase the percent of students on grade level by 4% as measured by the Aimsweb assessments.
Strategies 100% of Harvest Ridge students will be provided interventions for 30 minutes each day to help them reach their reading goals. 100% of Harvest Ridge students will set goals to improve their reading.
Progress Towards Achievement Goal Action steps #1 and 2: Interventions being conducted in all grade levels. Unexpected addition - Interventionists hired to assist students in need. Action steps #4: Progress monitoring being conducted weekly on students in the bottom 25 th percentile. Action step #5: Guided Reading Professional Development provided to all K-5 classroom teachers. Literacy Coaches working with all K-5 classroom teachers to further development of Guided Reading Instruction.
Reading Log Data
Aimsweb Data Kindergarten
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Attendance Goal For the school year, Harvest Ridge will increase our highest yearly average daily attendance rate from previous years.
Attendance Data
5+ Absences
Average Daily Attendance
Behavior Goal Harvest Ridge Elementary will decrease inappropriate physical contact infractions resulting in a 20% decrease in ODRs as measured from the school year.
Behavior Data
Inappropriate Physical Contact
Climate Goal Harvest Ridge will have 80% agree and strongly agree in decision making, opinions heard, and communication sections on the fourth quarter survey.
Strategies 100 % of Harvest Ridge Staff members will be kept informed of decisions made through regular communication 1. What’s Up distributed regularly. 2. Agenda’s distributed in advance of meetings and minutes are published for all to see. 3. Everyone is welcome to attend any committee meeting, including DC. 100% of Harvest Ridge staff will participate in activities to strengthen our PLCs and sense of community in our school. 1. DC’s received PLC training with Sue Hartman and Connie Buckman. 2. PLC’s set a goal strenghten adult relationships within the PLC. 2. All Staff participating in NESTS. 3. Goodie days have been moved to library to allow more room for people to sit together. 4. Positive office referrals have been extended to include teachers and parents. 5. Getting to know you activities at each faculty meeting
Positive Office Referrals
Harvest Ridge Climate Survey Percent Strongly Agree and Agree th Q 4 th Q Cert Only 1 st Q 1 st Q Cert Only 2 nd Q 2 nd Q Cert Only Certified staff Non Certified staff I take pride in working at my school Our staff holds high expectations for student learning Our school has clear direction on how to improve student learning
There are open channels of communication in our school Admin - Teacher 8/ / /20 80 Teacher- Teacher 6/ / /20 75 Teacher-Parent 2/ /20 5 There are opportunities for shared decision making in our school
Staff members treat each other with respect Staff members treat students with respect I feel recognized for the efforts I make at school I suggest ways to improve our school My opinions are heard and considered
Walkthrough Data Grouping of students
Instructional Strategies
Best Practices