Hunt Smart Goal Update
Attendance Average daily attendance: Goal 96% ADA 95.2% Attendance Hearings Held Level 1’s – 50 Level 2’s – 4 What have we done…… Dan Ford is sent to all homes with unexcused absence. Hold monthly celebrations for students with perfect attendance. Hold attendance hearings-all students with 5 or more absences requires a hearing.
Parent Involvement 100% Attendance all Fall and Spring Conferences What have we done…. 1. Held Fall Family Fiesta-over 200 in attendance 2. Utilize facebook page to update parents on upcoming events. 3. and hard copy of bi-monthly newsletter 4. Writers Celebration-parents come to listen to their children read their authentic writing. 4. Monthly parent group meetings: Board of Excellence Committee and Volunteer Parent Committee What we will be doing….. 1. Title Reading Event-providing books and strategies to assist parents in reading with their children at home. 2. Title Math Event-providing manipulatives, training, and strategies to parents to assist in math practice at home. 3. Writers Celebration-parents coming to listen to their children read their authentic writing.
Science Goal: 80% proficiency using the I-check District Assessments Third Grade: 45% are proficient Fourth Grade: 36% are proficient Fifth Grade: 8% are proficient Suggestions………….
Reading Percentage of students reading at or above grade level: Kindergarten – 78% First – 45% Second – 33% Third – 52% Fourth – 40% Fifth – 56% Intervention Data 33 students K-2 are receiving a Tier II Intervention. These intervention include phonemic awareness, comprehension, and fluency. 53 students 3-5 are receiving a Tier II Intervention. 43 students in 3-5 are receiving intervention in the area of language comprehension. 2 students in grades 3-5 are receiving intervention in the area of word identification. 8 students in grades 3-5 are receiving intervention in the area of print processing.
What we are doing in reading…. Building wide intervention block for grades K-2 and 3-5. Implementing the WTP model for grades 3-5 and servicing every student below grade level. Building wide implementation of CITW strategy using Non- Linguistic Representations. Building wide implementation of Text Talk-explicit instruction of vocabulary. Focused Interventions in K-2 using Literacy Wings. Creating Language Comprehension lessons for all intervention groups in grades 3-5. Teachers meet bi-monthly with administration to discuss intervention students progress as well as whole group data.
Math Percentage of students who meet trajectory using the mid- year district math assessment8: Kindergarten – 87%* First – 94%* Second – 98%* Third – 82%* Fourth – 69%* Fifth – 48%* *The mid-year exam proficiency goal would be 80% correct of 50% of the questions on the exam.
What we are doing…. 47 Students K-5 are receiving a Tier II Intervention in the area of math. Teachers are creating and implementing MDP’s to cover the gaps in the curriculum. They are also creating MDP’s to review/preview curriculum that will or has been taught. Teachers are given ½ day each month to create and collaborate to discuss data, lessons, formative assessments, and intervention strategies. Teachers meet bi-monthly with administration to discuss their math data on an individual student basis and class as a whole.