(1) Aims and Objectives To help ex-pupils maintain the ties of friendship. To seek the interest of the student body whenever possible. To interest itself in the administration of the school. To offer assistance whenever possible in the provision of basic needs of the school. To socialize with and identify the association with the student body.
(2) Title and Office The organization shall be called the Eckel Village Anglican Ex- Pupils Association hereinafter referred to as the ‘Association.’ The registered office shall be designated by the executive and its website is:
(3)Membership Membership is open to anyone who has ever been admitted to the school or taught at the school, the period notwithstanding.
(4) Officers and Duties a. Chairman The chairman shall be the chief executive and the official spokesman of the association. He shall authorize the secretary to convene general, executive and emergency meetings. He shall chair all meetings of the association. He shall carry out other duties which he considers to be in the interest of the association. b. Vice-Chairman He shall be the immediate deputy of the chairman and shall perform the duties of the chairman in his absence.
c. Secretary The secretary shall convene all meetings on the instruction of the chairman. He shall record the minutes of general and executive meetings of the association. He shall be responsible for all correspondence of the association D. Assistant Secretary He shall perform the duties of the secretary in his absence.
Officers and Duties (cont’d) e. Treasurer The treasurer shall be the custodian of the association's funds. He shall deliver a report at each executive meeting. He shall issue receipts for all monies collected. He shall deposit all monies of the association within one week at the bank, keeping no more than $500 as petty cash.
f. Public Relations Officer The public relations officer in conjunction with the secretary shall undertake effective publicity and dissemination of the activities of the association through the mass media. 1.He shall be responsible for the dispatch of notices to members of the association with due diligence and promptness. 2.He shall be the webmaster for the association.
Officers and Duties ( cont’d) g. (3) Co-ordinators 1. The co-ordinators shall be assigned the portfolios of Events, Projects and School Affairs. 2. They shall be responsible for the effective organization of their portfolios in every way.
(5) Meetings 1. The executive committee shall meet as often as possible at the members' convenience but not less than four times in a year. 2. At a general meeting, decisions shall be taken by a simple majority vote. One-quarter of the registered members shall form a quorum. 3. There shall be held an annual general meeting by the first Saturday of December.
(6) Finance 1. Fees to be determined by the general membership at the AGM. 2. Any two of the following shall be signatories to the association's cheques and other bank documents. (a) President (b) Secretary (c) Treas urer