Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 ROAD WORKS IN GREATER COPENHAGEN Køge Bugt north: Motorring 3: Køge Bugt south:
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ON MOTORRING 3 The Danish Road Directorate's largest ITS investment in one project so far In the summer 2003 a resolution on the construction work was adopted by the Danish parliament. The resolution holds a budget of DKK mio. kr. (approx. 240 mio. Euro), including about 10% set aside for traffic management during construction
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 HOW TO SUCCEED How did we manage to get the stakeholders to realize the needs for advanced traffic management on such a large scale? A combination of logical and structured thoroughly analysis, experiences from the use of traffic management at previous road constructions and documentation of effects
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 STRUCTURE OF PRESENTATION Decision process Proposal for solutions Status for the project
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 VVM Investigation of the traffic, environmental and economical effects of a road enlargement An essential part of the investigation is the planning of traffic management during road construction
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 DECISION PROCESS FOR ITS Gathering of necessary information Assessment of ITS: Traffic control Traffic information Analysis of traffic problems Needs analysis Proposal for solutions
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 GATHERING OF NECESSARY INFORMATION Success criteria Existing conditions Planned execution of the road construction
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 SUCCESS CRITERIA The number of accidents must not increase in the construction period The road users should be of the opinion that the Roads Directorate makes a good effort to maintain the traffic flow on an acceptable level The road users shall receive a good and effective traffic information regarding alternative routes and traffic modes At least 80% should be content with the traffic information given
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS 24 entry ramps on 17 km, some with heavy exchange of traffic 40 bridges (crossing roads, paths, railways, streams) AADT between – Capacity fully utilized in the peek hour
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 Average number of minutes on a weekday in year 2000, with speed below 40 km/h
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 EXECUTION OF THE ROAD CONSTRUCTION Road construction will be in progress along the whole stretch in 4 years The traffic will be handled in 2 narrow lanes in each direction – no hard shoulder Safety fences will create “tunneleffect”
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 Bridges to be replaced, rebuild or widened
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 DECISION PROCESS FOR ITS Gathering of necessary information Assessment of ITS: Traffic control Traffic information Analysis of traffic problems Needs analysis Proposal for solutions
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC PROBLEMS Acceleration and deceleration lanes Traffic flow Transferred traffic to other roads Incidents
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 ACCELERATION AND DECELERATION LANES Limited length of acceleration and deceleration lanes have an unfavourable influence on traffic flow Distance between lanes is 1 – 1,5 km Advantageous to limit the number of open lanes
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 TRANSFERRED TRAFFIC The OTM traffic model was used to determine the consequences of reduced capacity and speed on Motorring 3 30% of the road users will use other routes – primarily parallel routes (ring roads) Appr. 60% of the road users on Motorring 3 are “local”. Appr. 25% passes through the hole stretch
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 Primary alternative routes: ring road (02), 03 and 04 + Tårnvej- connection
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 INCIDENTS Incidents in the peek hours will have a heavy influence on the traffic flow Today there is one daily incident on the stretch - from this 1 accident a week The number of incidents are expected to increase due to reduced traffic flow and congestion The bridge and ramp construction works will complicate the driving conditions
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 DECISION PROCESS FOR ITS Gathering of necessary information Assessment of ITS: Traffic control Traffic information Analysis of traffic problems Needs analysis Proposal for solutions
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 NEEDS ANALYSIS Needs for ITS contra traditional traffic management, i.e.: –Flexible solutions –Dynamic information and control –Real-time data and information
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 DECISION PROCESS FOR ITS Gathering of necessary information Assessment of ITS: Traffic control Traffic information Analysis of traffic problems Needs analysis Proposal for solutions
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 ASSESSMENT OF THE ITS SOLUTION Needed functionality Experience from other applications Evaluation of technical performance and drivers behaviour and opinions Other outside circumstances
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 DECISION PROCESS FOR ITS Gathering of necessary information Assessment of ITS: Traffic control Traffic information Analysis of traffic problems Needs analysis Proposal for solutions
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 PROPOSAL FOR SOLUTIONS Functional description and expected effects Priority of solutions in relation to success criteria and traffic problems Budget
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 PROPOSAL FOR MOTORRING 3 Extensive use of ITS systems Traffic control to increase traffic safety and achieve a more fluent traffic flow Traffic information to offer a good service to the road users and to distribute the traffic optimally in the available network
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 TRAFFIC CONTROL Dynamic speed control on the whole of M3 Queue warning Ramp metering Incident management
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 DYNAMIC SPEED CONTROL
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 RAMP METERING
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 INCIDENT MANAGEMENT
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 TRAFFIC INFORMATION Information pre- trip and on-trip: VMS on M3 and radial roads: delays / travel time and special guidance Traffic status on M3 and 04 (+ alternative routes): dynamic maps with real time and prognosis, reports in the radio, telephone-service, RDS-TMC Information regarding alternative routes: Traffic-SMS, service Campaigns: to influence travel time, transport mode and to change road users behaviour
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 DELAYS / TRAVEL TIME
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 TRAFFIC STATUS
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 ALTERNATIVE ROUTES
Charlotte Vithen Coordinator of Traffic ManagementTraffic Management on Motorring 3 WHATS NEXT? Medio February 2004: Tender Medio April 2004: Contract Ultimo November 2004: Testing operation Primo December 2004: Service trial Primo April 2005: Real operation!