Emphases 1. Scientific Inquiry 2. STSE Connections 3. Nature & History of Biology 3
Aims Interest in Biology Wonder & Curiosity Respect All Living Things & Environment Construct & Apply Knowledge & Concepts Nature of Science Relationship with Other Disciplines 4
Aims Scientific Inquiry Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Creativity Communicate through Language of Science Informed Decision Personal & Community Health Responsible Citizenship 5
Learning Targets 1. Knowledge & Understanding 2. Skills & Processes 3. Values & Attitudes 6
Curriculum (X) Compulsory Part + Elective Part Total: 270 hours 10
Compulsory: Cells & Molecules of Life Genetics & Evolution Organisms & Environment Health & Diseases 11
Electives to be included: Human Physiology Applied Ecology ( Biotechnology, Microorganisms & human) 12
Assessment (X) ComponentWeightingDuration Public Exam 1 Compulsory 2 Elective 60% 20% 2 ½ hours 1 hour School-based Assessment (SBA) 20%-- 13
Curriculum (1/2 X) ~ to compulsory part of X but less in-depth in some concepts Total: 135 hours 14
Assessment (1/2 X) ComponentWeightingDuration Public Exam40%100 minutes SBA10%-- 16
classes of X 1 class of ½ X offered 17
Who is eligible? 18
Why Choosing Biology as an X or a ½ X? As a requirement for some university programmes as follows: 19
Hong Kong Baptist University 20
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 21
City University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 26
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 28
The University of Hong Kong 29
30 HKU
31 HKU
32 HKU
33 HKU
The Hong Kong Institute of Education 36
Useful Links Comparison of General Entrance Requirements of Universities GC_e.pdf 37
Useful Links JUPAS information Programme information tent_Institutions.htm 38
Useful Links Subject information _Information/NSS/bio/ _Information/NSS/com_sci/ 39