This is part of your weekly homework. Please write “Journal Topic #1” at the top of the first page of your composition book. Then, write a solid paragraph (5+ sentences answering the following question.) “What do you think is the one MOST important thing you must do to be successful in school? Why?”
This is part of your weekly homework. Please write “Journal Topic #2 and 8/20/14 at the top of the next page in your composition book. Your journal should be one page long. Write about a time when you were disappointed on your birthday.
Describe a time when you got in trouble or upset your parents/guardians and learned a lesson from your mistake(s).
Write this in your composition/journal book at home. The first 5 journal topics will be due on September 22nd. Write about a time in your life when you struggled with a choice and made the right one.
Describe using vivid sensory details (imagery) a favorite trip with your family. Use descriptive details that appeal to your readers’ senses.
What do you feel is the best way to study for a test or quiz? If you do not study..why not? What are the benefits of studying and the consequences of not studying?
Free Write….students may write about a topic of their choice.