The Battle For The Soul Speaker Periods of Bible History Wayne Holt
Before The Flood Genesis 1-5
The Flood Genesis 6-10
Scattering of the People Shinar Genesis 11 Tower of Babel
Patriarchs Abraham Ur Haran Canaan
Patriarchs Abraham Isaac Jacob Canaan Joseph Egypt
Exodus after 400 years Moses plagues on Egypt Nation Promise Fulfilled Covenant Law Tabernacle Priesthood A Pharaoh arose who did not know Joseph “Go!!”
Wandering in Wilderness 40 years of wandering Spies sent into Canaan Miriam and Aaron die Moses sins Balaam and Balak Joshua appointed
Wandering in Wilderness Canaan Conquered the Eastern side Moses sees the land and dies on Mt Nebo Joshua is ready to enter the Promised land
Invasion and Conquest Northern campaign Central campaign Southern campaign Land is divided Land promise fulfilled
Judges Rebellion Repression Repentance Rescue ‘We want a king’
United Kingdom Israel Saul 1040 – 1000 B.C. David 1000 – 960 B.C. Solomon 960 – 920 B.C.
Divided Kingdom Israel North 10 tribes Jeroboam All evil kings Judah South 2 tribes Rehoboam Few good kings X
Divided Kingdom Israel fell in 721 B.C. to Assyria
Judah Alone Judah 721 – 586 B. C. X
Captivity Judah taken into Babylon 1 st group in 606 B.C. 2 nd group in 597 B.C. 3 rd group in 586 B.C. 70 years
Return from Captivity Palestine Zerubbabel in 536 B.C. Ezra in 458 B.C. Nehemiah in 445 B.C.
Years of Silence Palestine Amos 8:11 ‘a famine of hearing the word of God’ ???
Life of Christ Years of Preparation (30 years) Beginning of Ministry (6 months)
Life of Christ Great Galilean Ministry (18 months)
Life of Christ Periods of Retirement (6 months) Close of Ministry (6 months)
Life of Christ Last Week Resurrection and Exaltation
Early Church Jerusalem Judea Samaria Acts 2:38
Early Church The Gospel expands to Asia Minor
Letters to Christians...across the Aegean Sea
Letters to Christians travels of Paul, Silas, Timothy, Luke
Letters to Christians …and on to Rome letters by Peter, Paul, James, Jude, John
Till There Was No Remedy
Current Condition Prosperity abounded Silver counted as stones Kingdom at it peak Controlled trade routes Solomon had left Jehovah Influence of foreign wives Built temples to their gods Participated in their worship
Kingdom Removed The kingdom would be taken away from Solomon’s house God remembered his promise to David 1 Kings 11: Samuel 7 Kingdom already begun to erode “United” kingdom is about to be gone
Kingdom Divides Solomon dies Remember promise to Jeroboam Ahijah, the prophet – ten tribes Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, is set to reign Calls people to Shechem Gen 12:6-7 Josh 8:30-35
Kingdom Divides Jeroboam spokesman for the people Solomon’s heavy yoke Lighten the harsh labor Rehoboam will answer in three days Consulted advisers Older advisers – listen to the people Younger advisers – make it harsher
“servant” 1Ki 12:7 And they spoke to him, saying, "If you will be a servant to these people today, and serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be your servants forever."
Kingdom Divides Rehoboam gave his answer “My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add to your yoke; my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scourges!” 1 Ki 12:15 So the king did not listen to the people; for the turn of events was from the LORD, that He might fulfill His word, which the LORD had spoken by Ahijah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat.
People Rebel Rehoboam tried to quell the rebellion People turn away from David Rehoboam sends Adoniram People stone him to death Rehoboam escapes Flees to Jerusalem
Israel Northern kingdom Ten tribes Jeroboam 22 years Evil Headquarters at Shechem
Judah Southern kingdom Two tribes Rehoboam 17 years Evil Reigned from Jerusalem House of David 2 Samuel 7
Divided Kingdom 921 B.C. – 721 B.C. Begins at death of Solomon Ends when Israel taken into Assyrian captivity Leaving “Judah Alone” Until 586 B. C. when taken by Babylon
Divided Kingdom Blessing during obedience Curses/chastisements of sin Lesson is driven home over and over Good kings were blessed Evil kings suffered consequences Israel had NO good kings Judah had some good kings
Text 1 and 2 Kings Activities of kingdom of Israel 2 Chronicles Activities of kingdom of Judah Many names and events Important link in the narrative Lessons they were taught apply to us