Headway East London
MISSION: Supporting people affected by brain injury VISION: A society where people with brain injury are valued, respected & able to fulfil their potential to lead full, active lives. VALUES: Respect the distinctive worth of every person Co-Production; all people have something to contribute to Headway East London & the community Empowerment: Support & challenge people to take personal responsibility for themselves & lead fulfilling lives within the community
MISSION: Supporting people affected by brain injury ACTION Help people with a brain injury regain quality of life through a wide range of services: Headway House / Carer & Family Support / Community Outreach / Young People’s Network / Occupational & Volunteer Programmes /Respite Care / Therapies Activism - challenging preconceptions, pushing for policy change & asking difficult questions. A separate Charity; affiliated to Headway UK
Types of Brain Injury Traumatic brain injuries 1 million people attend A&E following head injury (traumatic brain injury) every year Vascular events (related to the blood supply to the brain) – stroke, haemorrhage Infections, e.g. meningitis, encephalitis Tumours Hypoxia (lack of oxygen), e.g. through cardiac arrest, drowning, overdose, carbon monoxide poisoning.
The Effects of Acquired Brain Injury… The effects of Brain Injury can be devastating and long term. Each person is unique: affected in different ways. Following a brain injury, the person usually experiences problems with aspects of their life. These problems could be: Health-related Physical Sensory Cognitive. Communication. Emotional. Behavioural Social Financial
Who Can Help? Supposed to be a clear pathway for statutory support: acute – rehab (in-patient) – community rehab + support. Medical – neurosurgeon, neurologist, relevant specialists + nurses (e.g. epilepsy, pain, orthopaedic) Allied Health Professionals – physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, clinical neuropsychologists, dieticians Social Services, Continuing Care (NHS), Housing Third Sector e.g. Headway
Advice and Advocacy: Third Sector Headway East London Advice and Advocacy: Sean Kinahan: Tel Amanda D’Souza: 14 Boroughs: N E and Central London Headway SE London NW Kent: Tel Stroke Navigators via The Stroke Association Borough-specific; Tel: e.g. Jacqueline Anderson, Waltham Forest
Advice and Advocacy Neuro – Navigation: Case management via NHS e.g. City and Hackney: Simon Grobler c/o Adult Community Rehabilitation Team: Tel
Headway East London
Headway House