G RADUATE S TUDENT W ORKSHOP ON S USTAINABILITY A CROSS THE CURRICULUM A model for graduate student involvement William Wise, PhD University of Florida Environmental Engineering Sciences Bonnie Smith, MS University of Florida Libraries
Sustainability Across the Curriculum Education for sustainability Interdisciplinary & Cross-Disciplinary Educate wide numbers of students with themes related to social, economic and environmental sustainability Provide the education and skills necessary to achieve sustainable communities Provide resource materials for chosen careers
Old School Sustainability Contacts
Current School Sustainability Contacts
Sustainability Fellows at UF The Prairie Project Sustainability Fellows 2010 Sustainability Fellows 2011
Graduate Student Program GOALSGOALS Professional development Collaboration/networking/inter disciplinary research Campus stewardship and resources Community
Graduate Student Program Theme Local experts Internal experts Activities Discussion Breakout session Collaboration Contentof the Program
Graduate Student Program Reading Social and environmental movie WORKSHOP Book sharing table Exit survey Contentof the Program
Graduate Student Program Secure institutional support Call for committee members Invite graduate students to be on committee Funding Logistics Date/time/place Invite speakers Application process and eligibility Meals Schedule Book voucher
Graduate Student Program First impressions/initial findings Worthwhile Provide more examples of activist opportunities Extend to 2 days Graduate students to organize and facilitate themselves
QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS : Victoria Pagán, Department of Classics and the UF Office of Sustainability A model for graduate student involvement William Wise, PhD University of Florida Environmental Engineering Sciences Bonnie Smith, MS University of Florida Libraries Graduate Student Workshop Documents Available HEREHERE