CHAPTER 1 RESOURCES IN TOURISM Tourism concepts Working definitions in travel and tourism The tourism industry and its products Resources Travel and tourism resources Resource combinations Controlling and rewarding resource use
The importance of segmentation Segmentation by purpose of travel CHAPTER 2 TOURIST TYPES The importance of segmentation Segmentation by purpose of travel Psychographic segmentation Interactional segmentation Changes in tourist types over time Types of tourists today: a summary The needs and impacts of different types of tourists Types of tourist and destinational economic policy
CHAPTER 3 THE ECONOMICS OF TOURISM DEMAND The nature of demand Products and buyer objectives in tourism Types of variables influencing and constraining tourism demand Levels of choice in travel and tourism demand Constraints on tourism demand Income and price effects Other special variables in tourism demand
CHAPTER 4 TOURISM ENTERPRISES Introduction Objectives of tourism enterprises Market structures Carriers Accommodation Attractions and support services Middlemen Integration Concentration
CHAPTER 5 SUPPYING TRAVEL AND TOURISM PRODUCTS The decision to supply The frames in tourism supply Production functions and inputs Costs and supply in tourism Pricing Elasticity of supply Carriage by air Cruising Hotel and motel accommodation Natural and historic attractions Air tour operation Controls on supply
CHAPTER 6 EQUILIBRIUM IN TOURISM MARKETS The Establishment of partial equilibrium The problems of identifying equilibrium in tourism The dynamics of equilibrium in tourism Long-term cycles and tourism in general equilibrium
CHAPTER 7 TOURISM GROWTH AND NATIONAL ECONOMIES Introduction The national economy Tourism’s contribution to GDP Problems in measuring tourism’s contribution to GDP International comparisons of tourism in GDP Methods of measurement Tourism growth and its effects on an economy Forecasting the value of tourism
CHAPTER 8 EMPLOYMENT AND INCOME CREATION National income The distribution of national income The direct value of tourism to employment of factors The distribution of tourism-generated income Secondary employment and income 1: tourism multipliers Employment and other multipliers Secondary employment and income 2: input-output analysis Labor markets and employment
CHAPTER 9 UNPRICED VALUES AND EXTERNALITIES Introduction: non market economics Tourists’ values Public and non tradeable goods in tourism Net values and opportunity costs The asset theory of tourism Externalities Classification of externalities in tourism Cost-benefit analysis for travel and tourism developments Optimising the total social value of tourism
CHAPTER 10 THE BALANCE OF TOURISM PAYMENTS: TOURISM’S EXTERNAL ACCOUNT Balance of payments terminology Comparative advantage in tourism Tourism payments’ statistics Travel receipts and payments