Engineering is the conscious application of science to the problem of economic production. Economics is the science of making decision in the presence of scarced resources. Accounting is the art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in monetory terms the transactions and events which are financial in nature. Financial accounting involves preparation of trial balance, profit and loss account and balance sheet. This helps in calculating the profit earned or losses incurred during a particular period.
Managerial economics in the form of engineering economics is a valuable tool to analyze business situations a firm may be in. It is the study of directing resources in a way that it most efficiently achieves the managerial goals. It is also the application of the tools of economic analysis in decision making in actual business situations.
Macro Economic Condition: ◦ This is the economic environment in which the firm operates. ◦ The nature of the environment is broad and almost always decisions of the firm are made within this broad frame work. Economy in which firm operates is predominantly a free enterprise economy Present day economy – rapid technological and economic changes Government intervening in the economic affairs has increased in recent times and is likely to go up further.
Micro Economic Condition: ◦ It deals with the problems of an individual firm, industry or consumer. ◦ It helps in dealing the issues like allocating resources, to use it efficiently. ◦ Some tools are : elasticity of demand, marginal cost, economics of scale, opportunity cost, market structure.
Objectives of a business firm Demand analysis and forecasting Cost analysis Production management Supply analysis Pricing decisions, policies and practices Profit management Capital budgeting and investment decisions Decision theory under uncertainty competition
Managerial economics and operation research Managerial economics and statistics Managerial economics and mathematics Managerial economics and economics Managerial economics and accounting.
Evaluation and Feedback Diagnosis and Analysis of Causes Recognition of Decision Requirement Development of Alternatives Selection of Desired Alternative Implementation of Chosen Alternative Decision- Making Process
Problem Formulation Decision Making without Probabilities Decision Making with Probabilities Risk Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis Decision Analysis with Sample Information Computing Branch Probabilities
The economy can be divided into two sectors: The Private Sector The Public Sector
Private individuals and firms that are owned by private individuals Firms in the private sector include: ◦ Sole Traders ◦ Private Limited Companies (Ltd) ◦ Partnerships ◦ Public Limited Companies (PLC)
Made up of central government, local government, and businesses that are owned by government In the last twenty years the number of government-owned firms in the UK has shrunk massively Now, very few examples remain: for instance, the Royal Mail
One of the key differences is between: Sole traders and partnerships whose liability is unlimited And Private Limited and Public Limited Companies, who have ‘limited liability’
Co-operatives are owned by their staff, who are ‘members’ of the firm Profits are shared amongst the members Losses too must be shared
Many businesses today are franchises A business idea is licensed to a franchisee The owners of the brand receive a license fee The franchisee gains the right to use the business brand
Many charity-based business organisations are run as ‘not for profit’ operations They typically receive donations or funds from groups or government Any financial surplus is ploughed back into the business The organisation does not aim to generate profits