The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – What Makes a “Good” website? Web Design – Section 2-1 Part or all of this lesson was adapted from the University of Washington’s “Web Design & Development I” Course materials
Evaluating Websites Course Objectives – The student will: 1. Learn to critically evaluate websites. 2. Learn the criteria that experts use to evaluate websites.
Evaluating Websites – Questions to Consider Why do you feel that some websites are good? Why do you feel that some websites are not so good? Do others agree with your opinion? Does anyone disagree? Who is the target audience for a particular site? How might website quality be judged differently across different audiences? Are there some qualities of websites that all audiences would agree are good? What are these qualities?
What the “experts” have to say… WWW Cyberguide Ratings for Web Site Design – Jakob Nielsen: Ten Usability HeuristicsTen Usability Heuristics –
Rest of Today Divide in to teams of 3 or 4 (no more than 4 on a team) Complete Homework Assignment 2-1 – As a team you will decide on some criteria to evaluate websites – Individually you will access 5 websites – As a team you will combine the results