Mountain air increases the level of health for urban children Institute of physilology named by A. Bogomolets, NAS of Ukraine, Kiev Prof. Vadim Berezovskyi, M.D.
The overall morbidity of the Ukrainian population during the period from 2000 (100%) to 2013 Reducing the morbidity of 8% reflects both the progress of medicine, and reduction of environmental pollution
Dynamics of morbidity in children (0 to 14 years) in Ukraine for the period from 2000 (100%) to 2013 The increase in the overall morbidity of Ukrainian children can be explained with insufficient activity of the immune system and low levels of non-specific resistance, excessive or improper using the drugs %
Nosological dynamics of morbidity in children of Ukraine tumors 2 – respiratory diseases 3 - congenital anomalies 4 - diseases of the nervous system 5 - injuries, poisonings and other consequences of external causes
131% muscle 135 % brain white matter 173 % kidney 183% brain cortex 166% liver 164 % cor The positive impact of the dosed reducing the oxygen partial pressure on the development of capillaries in various organs of Wistar rats
abiogenic area pathogenic area sanogenic area Indifferent area Valeological classification of hypoxy level in mountain atmosphere.
Physiological and biochemical reactions as response to the human presence in the mountain climate 1.The stimulation of hematopoetic bone marrow activity. 2. Increase in the number of capillaries in the tissue. 3. Relaxation of smooth muscles of the bronchial tubes and blood vessels 4. Increasing the speed of blood flow in the blood vessels (Doppler). 5. Intensification of basal metabolism. 6. Inhibition of allergic reactions. 7. Activation of regeneration. 8. Reduction of body weight. 9. Increase the overall non-specific resistance of the organism.
The number of missed school days due to illness in the two schools ( blue – Karpatian`s region school, red – Kiev`s school) in the first (2003), fifth (2007) and 9-th classes (2010) Reducing the number of missed days in the higher grades may be associated not only with the duration of the disease, but also with visit to the school in spite of the illness state. Total duration of lost school time in plain cities is bigger than in mountains
Conclusion A comparison of the morbidity of schoolchildren in the Carpathian region and in Kyiv confirms the results of research DM Hassan Razzouk about the healing effects of the mountain climate on the developing child's body. Modern children grow in the big cities in abnormal conditions of everyday life. It greatly reduces their immune and non-specific resistance to damaging by environmental conditions. Mountain climate with low PO2 in ambient air allows to correct some abnormalities in children.