A3 Item W20a Coastal Commission February 2013 Hearing
Poche Beach – Orange County beach on the border of Dana Point/San Clemente 2
3 Proposed Project: Make permanent the relocation of the treated urban runoff outflow from the mouth of the Prima Deshecha (M01) flood control channel onto the back beach to the high intertidal surf zone of the beach at Poche Beach by permanent use of a rigid 8-inch diameter PVC pipe attached to an existing wood bulkhead to discharge treated runoff.
4 Discharge “D” approved under original CDP - treated water outfall within the concrete channel, into existing scour pond, mimicking existing conditions. Currently, Alternative “C” outfall used during a trial period permitted by a previous CDP amendment
5 No adverse changes to existing minimal wetland functions as a result of the new outfall were documented during trial period
6 No adverse impacts to lateral public access as a result of the new outfall were reported during trial period
7 Discharge pipe connected to bulkhead is mostly naturally buried by sand due to wave action year round, in this photo it was dug up and exposed for inspection.