2 nd Grade
General Information School Hours: 7:45a.m. – 2:45p.m. Lunch: 12:00-12:30 Recess: After lunch Conference/Specials: 1:50-2:45
Our Schedule 7:45 – 8:00 Morning Routine 8:00 – 10:30 Reading & Writing Wksp 10:30– 12:00 Number Corner/Math Wksp 12:00-12:30Lunch 12:30 –1:00Recess 1:00 – 1:50Science 1:50-2:45Specials
F.R.O.G Binders (Fully Responsible Organized and Growing) Daily Behavior Log Front Pocket – graded work, and important papers. Math Homework Spelling Words ** please remove papers daily**
1,000,000 Word Challenge Second Grade: Our goal is to read 150 books this year. (one chapter book of approximately 60 pages = 4 picture books)
Behavior Plan Our goal is to have a classroom that reinforces positive behavior. Social Contract (Looking up for Good Behavior ) I was caught being good - Frog Bucks Changing lights Blue Green Yellow Red A letter of “SOAR” will be crossed out as a child earns yellow or red.
“Eagles in Flight” Qualifications: Passing all subjects on report card All assignments turned in are complete, on time, and represent a desire for QUALITY Assumes responsibility for appropriate behavior by following our Social Contract. (no more than 4 yellows/reds and no discipline referrals issued in the six weeks period) SOAR No more than 3 tardies
Pick up The final bell rings at 2:45 pm. If you would like to pick up your child prior to 2:45 pm, you must go to the office and sign your child out. The office will then call the classroom and have the child sent to the office with his/her things. ** Please send a note with your child if their mode of transportation changes. If you forget to send a note, please call the office PRIOR TO 2:30**
Snacks Since the brain works better when fed frequently we have a morning snack. Snack time is around 9:45 a.m. (snacks should be healthy, NO DESSERTS, NO CHIPS, or messy snacks…oranges). Please remember if you do not send a snack, your child will not have one. Remind your child they are NOT allowed to share snacks.
Report Cards You will only be able to access your child’s grades online. You should receive a letter from the school concerning how to access your child’s grades. Please let teachers know if you need to request a paper copy.
Math Workshop Goal – Students to be fluent with numbers in different situations. Number Corner/ Target the Question Investigations Workshop Model: Mini Lesson Workshop Time Closure Meeting Math Homework: Monday – Thursday will be collected on Friday’s
Social Studies The “Big Idea” in social studies is, “Leaders share many qualities.” We will examine the impact of various historical figures by asking: What many qualities do leaders share? In what ways do leaders solve problems? How do leaders shape communities? What are the many ways to be a leader?
Reader’s Workshop Goal – Reading with Meaning (Comprehension) Becoming lifelong readers. Workshop Model – Mini Lesson, Work Period, Closing meeting Small Group Instruction (Guided Reading Groups/Book Clubs) Reading Homework Browsing Boxes – Our “Just Right” Books.
I.P.I.C.K “Just Right” Books I= I choose the book P= Purpose: Why do I want to read it? Why was it written? I= Interest: Do I like it? Is it interesting? C= Comprehend: Do I understand it? Is it too hard? Too easy? K= Know most of the words: 5 finger test- Too hard if there are 5 words you do not know
Hundred Nights of Reading Students will be required to read the books sent home by the teacher. Students should read out loud to a parent at least 15 minutes a night. We also encourage the students to read a book of their choice after reading their guided reading or book club book. Students need to record the title of the book and how long they read. They have been told to bring you something to write with and ask you to please sign the log so they will receive credit towards the hundred nights. We will have a celebration party at the end of the year for the students who have completed their 100 nights. Students will earn an additional party for completing 125 nights of reading. Our party will be the end of May. Read On!
Writer’s Workshop The “goal” in second grade is to learn that details convey meaning directly and indirectly. Students will be writing first draft compositions and revised compositions to increase their conventions, word choice and writing fluency skills. Workshop Model – Mini Lesson, Work Period, Closing meeting
Science Inquiry We want our students to experience science in a real way. We will use life experiences and experiments. Many experiments are open-ended, in addition to doing them at school they can also be conducted at home, resulting in different outcomes.
Homework Homework is for practice or reinforcement. It should not take more than 20 minutes. Notify teacher if it is a struggle. Math homework: Due Friday! No homework, no Friday recess. Unfinished work that is sent home to be completed is not the same as homework. If a redo is sent home after a re-teaching session with the teacher, the first and second attempt will be averaged together for a grade in the grade book. A notation will be make that this is an averaged grade of a re-teach.
Practice for Perfection Student: _____________________ Date work was assigned: ______________________ Date work is (was) due: _______________________ Please, RedoComplete Practice The following assignment: _____________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ __________________________________________ Please sign your initials when assignment is completed. ________ Thank You
Volunteers We can use HELP in & out of our Classrooms In the class –Reading Buddies –Classroom Reader –Math Buddies Outside the class: –Volunteer to help with sorting and cutting materials that can be done at home. –Stapling flip books or writer’s booklets. Please make sure you have filled out a district Volunteer form so that you can work with students.
Thank you for attending our presentation. If you have any questions feel free to contact us. All our websites are working and current so check them out for further Second Grade information.