InK4DEV Week – Information and Knowledge for Development, 4th Edition Entebbe, Uganda (24 th – 28 th Sept, 2012) CTA is an ACP-EU institution working in the field of information for development. It operates under the ACP-EU Cotonou Agreement. Its headquarters are in The Netherlands.
Objectives You will learn : About the different types of search engines How to perform simple and advanced searches using google search engine How to perform targeted searches How to translate and personalize your searches
Different Types of Searches …. Search can be performed either through a search engine or a directory. A search engine is automated while a directory service is compiled by humans.
Searching with Google
Expand the “More” link to search more content types
Searching with Google Expand the “More search tools” link to see different search tools
Searching with Google For advanced search options
Introduction to search engines
Searching with Google By default Google returns only pages that match all your search terms. You can tailor searches to return specific results If you search for …Google won’t find … childrenkids cropcultivation cheapinexpensive If you search for … Google won’t find … NYCNew York City CTATechnical Centre for … GNPGross National Product
Google Advanced Search “…“ : exact phrase e.g. "to be or not to be" - : forbidden terms e.g. cow -mad *: words starting with e.g. people* NEAR: adjacent words e.g. (stock NEAR exchange) OR : logical expression e.g. (plan OR programme) Time: Nairobi ~ synonym
Google Advanced Search [Site:countrycode] restricts results to a country (two letter country codes)two letter country codes [Filetype:] retrieves only specified formats [related:] lists web pages that are "similar" to a specified web page. [after:] modified after a given date e.g. after:DD/MM/AAAA [before:] modified before a given date e.g. before:DD/MM/AAAA 100miles in km
Google Advanced Search [[allintitle:] restricts the results to those with all of the query words in the title. [intitle:] restricts the results to documents containing that word in the title. [define:] provides a definition of words gathered from various online sources.
Advanced Search with Google Usage Rights e.g. CC
Targeted Searches – Discussions lists Groups: Groups:
Targeted Searches – Discussions lists A Google targeted search for discussions related to a particular topic
Language Search and Tools Search for content in different languages and get it served in your preferred language: Translated search:
Translated search: practicum
Search Services… Books: Journals: Scholarly literature: Projects: News: Search with related links Google Baraza:
Information Delivery Services… Google Alerts: Development news aggregator: Zunia:
Google Alerts: a content monitoring service The Google Alerts automatically notifies users when new content from news, web, blogs, video and/or discussion groups matching a set of search terms selected by the user is posted on the Internet.
Google Alerts: notifications Notifications can be sent by (various options) as an RSS feed or displayed on the users iGoogle page.
Google Alerts: practicum
Google Alerts: notifications via RSS