1 Copyright © 2006, 2007 by Ewen Leung Copyright © 2006, 2007 by Ewen Leung Instruction Manual of Harmony 2006
2 What is Harmony 2006? An Excel program to check: Parallel 5th Parallel 8th Exposed 5 th Exposed 8 ave For harmonic progression of maximum 10 chords. Notes can be input either as pitch numbers based on the 12-tone number notation or the pitch names.
3 What is 12-tone number notation? Numbers from 0 to 11 representing pitch names from C to B respectively as shown in the following table. 12-tone Pitch Number Pitch Name with # as Accidental Pitch Name with b as Accidental 0CC 1C#C# DbDb 2DD 3D#D# EbEb 4EE 5FF 6F#F# GbGb 7GG 8G#G# AbAb 9AA 10A#A# BbBb 11BB Return to P.6Return to P.6 Return to P.7 Return to P.7 Return to P.6Return to P.7
4 What are Parallel 5 th, Parallel 8 th, Exposed 5 th and Exposed 8 ave ? No Parallel 5 th No two parts should move in parallel 5th in consecutive chords No Parallel 8 th No two parts should move in parallel octaves in consecutive chords In 4-part writing, there are certain rules of harmony to be obeyed. The main rules concerned in this program are:
5 No Exposed 5 th Soprano and Bass should not move in similar motion to a perfect 5 th except that Soprano moves by step. No Exposed 8 ave Soprano and Bass should not move in similar motion to an octave except that Soprano moves by step. What are Parallel 5th, Parallel 8th, Exposed 5th and Exposed 8ave ?
6 How to use it ? For Case 1 Pitch numbers (Column 1 in the Table of P.3) as inputs in Input Table Column 1 in the Table of P.3Column 1 in the Table of P.3 Pitch names with # as accidental (Column 2 in the Table of P.3) as outputs in Output Table Column 2 in the Table of P.3Column 2 in the Table of P.3 For Case 2 Pitch numbers (Column 1 in the Table of P.3) as inputs in Input Table Pitch names with b as accidental (Column 3 in the Table of P.3) as outputs in Output Table Column 3 in the Table of P.3Column 3 in the Table of P.3 Enter 1, 2 or 3 in the yellow box on the upper right of the sheet.
7 How to use it ? For Case 3 Pitch names (either Column 2 or 3 in the Table of P.3) as inputs in Input Table Column 2 or 3 in the Table of P.3Column 2 or 3 in the Table of P.3 Pitch numbers (Column 1 in the Table of P.3) as outputs in Output Table Column 1 in the Table of P.3Column 1 in the Table of P.3 Enter 1, 2 or 3 in the yellow box on the upper right of the sheet.
8 Next After you’ve selected the case ( 1, 2 or 3), enter the selected type of inputs for soprano, alto, tenor and bass for at most 10 chords in the Input Table as shown. The program will show the type of outputs as you selected in the Output Table.
9 Example For Example: Case 1
10 For Example: Case 2
11 For Example: Case 3
12 The Results If detected, the followings will appear in the corresponding cells as shown in the example. //5 th Parallel 5 th //8 th Parallel 8 th Exp. 5/8 Exposed 5 th or 8 ave OK will be shown in the corresponding cells below the Output Table, if parallel 5 th /8 th and exposed 5 th /8 ave cannot be detected by the program. If detected, Parallel 5 th, Parallel 8 th, or/and Exp. 5/8 will appear in the corresponding cells as shown in the following example.
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