OCT 2, 2014
LT: I CAN USE OPERATIONS WITH NUMBERS EXPRESSED IN SCIENTIFIC NOTATION. Facilitators: Get a graphing Calculator for your team.
DO NOW: The Problem Given: Your Task: 1) Who is correct? How do you know? 2) What mistakes did the other students make? Explain how you would help them fix their mistake.
QUICK THUMB CHECK: Thumbs Up: True Thumbs Down: False Be ready to explain your thinking!!!
QUICK THUMB CHECK: Thumbs Up: True Thumbs Down: False Be ready to explain your thinking!!!
QUICK THUMB CHECK: Thumbs Up: True Thumbs Down: False Be ready to explain your thinking!!!
QUICK THUMB CHECK: Thumbs Up: True Thumbs Down: False Be ready to explain your thinking!!!
WHAT IS OUR CALCULATOR TELLING US? Record this table in your journal: Scientific Notation Calculator Says: Try each problem in your calculator and record what your calculator says. your calculator says.
OK, NOW LET’S PRACTICE MULTIPLYING Rearrange like terms. Multiply 2.3 x 5 =11.5 Multiply Exponents Write in Scientific Notation
CLASS WORK Work Sheet 4-9
LT: I CAN SHOW WHAT I KNOW ABOUT MULTIPLE REPRESENTATIONS. Be ready and quiet when the bell rings. We don’t waste time in this class. Ready Means: Pencil, Journal are out. Table is clear.
TESTING POLICY Remember: you have one warning not to talk, then you will need to call home. Raise your hand if you have a question. When you are done, work on your POW.