Get to Know US Parent Support Group (PSG) School Family Education (SFE) River Valley Primary School (RVPS)
PSG Programs Reading Mums DDay: Mon, Tue, Thu and Fri TTime: 1230 to 1300 RRead to P1 Students.
Library LLand a hand to the students HHelp with shelving and stocktaking
Fun with Chinese DDay: Tue and Thu Fri TTime: 0930 to 1030 HHelp with games 童谣, 猜迷语
FTC Room Duty MMan the FTC room during operating hours (Mon – Fri; 1200 – 1500) HHelp with loaning out of parenting books
School Events: Ad-Hoc SSports Day; Moon-cake Festival; Racial Harmony Day and Many Others.
Benefits of SFE Programme Better understanding of yourself and your children Better parent-child (family) relationships Be an Family Life Education advocate and participate in parent support groups
Chat with Principal, Vice-Principal and HOD – P1 to P6 Parents The "Chat with Principal and HOD/Teacher" provides an opportunity for the school and parents to come together to mingle and chat in an informal setting. Parents can chat with the Principal and find out first hand about what's happening at River Valley Primary School.
RV’s Family Life Centre FAMILY TREE CORNER (FTC Room) Open Daily pm Open to all parents Parenting books for loan A relaxing place to network with other parents PRACTICAL INFORMATION
FTC Room PRACTICAL INFORMATION FAMILY TREE CORNER (FTC Room) is located next to the Games Hall
Information on SFE Events 1.FTC Room Notice board 2.SFE Term Brochures (at the beginning of each term) 3.Subscribe on-line to be on our SFE ing list PRACTICAL INFORMATION
Registration slips or feedback SFE & PSG Drop Box located in general office PRACTICAL INFORMATION
SFE Contacts Contact Person: Mr. Hwang Shyuesy / Ms. Mariana Mau HP/SMS: Our SFE Website (can be assessed via school website also) To subscribe on-line to be on our ing list
Thank you And Have a GREAT day!