Parkhead Primary Communication Questionnaire Q The questionnaire was circulated to each family within the school There were 37 responses
Summary of Key Points Newsletters and face to face meetings with teachers are the preferred method of communication The blog is better for school updates and as a central point for information which parents can access from home More information at school entrance and on notice boards would be helpful Muddy area’s outside and facilities within the playground could be improved Concerns around Traffic and drop off’s at school gates Parents are interested in receiving updates from events, sports clubs, school initiatives and future projects Want to know what kids are covering in class, a timetable of their week and general curriculum updates for the school year.
Parent Council Action Plan 2014/2015 Contact Council about muddy area’s at entrance to school Set up working group to tackle the ongoing issues with Traffic and Parking Update the blog content with requested information and investigate having a mailing list for newsletters as an option Have an external notice board erected outside the school with relevant information/updates Re-iterate the use of the ‘school homework diary’ so it can be used effectively