我 來 了 、 是 要 叫 羊 〔 或 作 人 〕 得 生 命 、 並 且 得 的 更 豐 盛 。 ( 約 10:10)
我 豈 沒 有 吩 咐 你 麼 . 你 當 剛 強 壯 膽 . 不 要 懼 怕 、 也 不 要 驚 惶 、 因 為 你 無 論 往 那 裡 去 、 耶 和 華 你 的 神 必 與 你 同 在 。 ( 書 1:9)
F.6 Reminders
1.JUPAS Other Qualifications + Verification Deadlines (8/4; 15/4) SPN Results Announcement (Early May) Deadline for updating programme choices (20/5) Announcement of time slot allocated for programme choice modification (16/6) Interviews
2.Online applications E-APP, especially VTC Overseas tertiary institutions: China, Taiwan, Others
3.HKIEd Principal’s Nomination Students who would really want to study there & would put at least one of their BEd programmes in Band A Mini-Info Day on 9 May (Saturday) Talk to me on or before 13 March (Friday)
4.Mock Interview Workshop: Workshop 1: 4/5 (M) + 6/5 (W) Workshop 2: 5/5 (Tue) + 7/5 (Thu) 9 am – 12 noon at Act Room Limited places: 18/workshop Assignment Sign up only if you are going to attend BOTH sessions and be enthusiastic. Sign up on the Careers Notice Board on G/F.
5.Mock Interviews: Contact me through Intranet or (when you receive the message) 6. Internship: Several placements - Intranet
7.SLP Data Entry Deadline: 5 March 23:59 Delivery of soft copy (L Drive): 10 March school hours Upload SLP onto JUPAS Deadline: 31 March 23:59
8. Preparatory Talk for you & your parents 9 July (Thursday pm)