HSE Public Health Workforce Dr Cate Hartigan, Assistant National Director, Health Promotion and Improvement, Health & Wellbeing Division, HSE
Dr. Stephanie O’Keeffe National Director of Health and Wellbeing Division Dr. Kevin Kelleher: Public Health (incl. Child Health & Head of Quality and Patient Safety ) Dave Molloy: Environm ental Health Brendan Lawlor: Emergency Manag emen t Dr. Cate Hartigan: Health Promotion and Improvement HE & AL Sexual Health Alcohol Majella Byrne: National Screening Services Doug Beaton: Knowledge Management Barry McGinn: Planning, Performance & Programme Management Sheila Caulfield: Communicati ons Lead Dr. Orlaith O'Reilly: Group Clinical lead Finance Human Resources Shared Services (Estates, ICT, Procurement, Legal ) National office staff Positive ageing Systems Reform
Key Functions The Environmental Health Service protects the health of the population by taking preventative action including the enforcement of legislation in relation to environmental and lifestyle determinants of health Health Promotion and Improvement aims to embed preventative health measures and messages into health service delivery to improve individual, community and population health targeting modifiable risks factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity and obesity. Health Promotion and Improvement also has a significant role working in partnership with relevant stakeholders to address the wider social, economic and environmental determinants of health The Sexual Health & Crisis Pregnancy Programme is a national programme charged with developing and implementing national strategy to address the issue of crisis pregnancy in Ireland. It also encompasses the co-ordination of sexual health services to improve effectiveness and impact of services and preventative work National Screening Services deliver population-based screening programmes which aim to reduce morbidity and mortality in the population through early detection and treatment
Key Functions Emergency Management co-ordinates the Health Services planning response to major emergencies in conjunction with other response agencies Health Intelligence (Knowledge Management) supports the work of the health service including the National Clinical Strategy and Programmes by utilising knowledge to support decision-making to inform service design, service delivery and quality, and improve health outcomes. The Group Clinical Lead for Health and Wellbeing ensures alignment between Health and Wellbeing and Clinical Strategy and Programmes. The role provides expert clinical advice, perspective and practical support relating to the work and deliverables associated with the clinical programmes to the Health and Wellbeing Division and its Senior Management Team. Planning, Performance and Programme Management leads on planning and performance improvement within the Health and Wellbeing Division and facilitates integration with other HSE Divisions and functions.
Public Health Public Health, the Health Protection Surveillance Centre and the National Immunisation Office support critical functions including immunisation and vaccination programmes, infectious diseases and health screening Child health services are responsible for ensuring that all our children receive evidence based interventions from birth through to the early years of secondary school, aimed at protecting and improving their health
HSE Reforms Hospital Groups Community Healthcare Organisations The Centre