1 ITEP’s Climate Change Training, Tools, and Resources for Tribes Presented by Mansel Nelson Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals Northern Arizona University (presentation created by Sue Wotkyns, ITEP Clim. Chg. Prog.)
2 Based at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ Mission: ITEP serves tribes through outstanding, culturally- relevant education and training that increase environmental capacity and strengthen sovereignty Served >500 tribes nationally in 20 years ITEP Programs: Climate Change, Air Quality, Solid Waste and Emergency Response, K-16 Environmental Education and Outreach, Tribal Clean Energy Resource Center Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) San Francisco Peaks, Flagstaff, AZ ITEP staff retreat, Fall 2013
3 Climate change is causing impacts Source: USDA NRCS Source: State of Alaska Source: M. Lockhart/USFWS Sand dune migration on Navajo Nation. Credit: M. Hiza, USGS 2011 Las Conchas Fire in New Mexico. Credit: D. Chavarria, Pueblo of Santa Clara Credit: Swinomish Tribe
4 Mitigation: Dealing with causes. Actions that reduce level of greenhouse gases in atmosphere Adaptation: Dealing with effects. Taking action to minimize impacts of climate change Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
5 Plan and prepare for impacts of climate change Impacts, vulnerabilities, adaptation strategies Be proactive instead of reactive! Develop plan; include in other planning documents Climate Change Adaptation Planning
6 Climate Change Training Climate Change Adaptation Planning Regionally focused trainings Process of adaptation planning; tools/resources Talking Circles, presentations and tribal case studies, discussions, activity, field trip Climate Change Adaptation Planning Nevada, October 2013
7 Archives: Webinar series: Pacific Northwest-focused Climate Change Impacts: Marine issues, Forests, Fisheries, Invasive Species and Pests Webinar series: national audience Climate Change Communication, Role of Traditional Knowledge in Climate Change Initiatives, Impacts on Tribal Water Resources and Traditional Foods Tribal Climate Change Webinars
8 Website and Newsletter Tribes & Climate Change Website Basic information, Tribal Profiles, Resources Library, and more Tribal Climate Change Newsletter Delivered monthly by ITEP CC Program News, In the News, Technical Resources, Funding Opportunities, Upcoming Events Sign up by sending to:
9 Outreach Materials Climate Change Fact Sheets Focused on impacts and adaptation Collaborating with University of Oregon Available: Drought Fisheries Forestry Invasive Species Wildfire Water More are being developed… Available at:
10 Tribal Climate Change Adaptation Planning Toolkit Adaptation Planning Background Material Checklist Template: Tribal Climate Change Adaptation Planning Guide Template for a Tribal Resolution: Climate Change Adaptation Initiative Worksheet: Adaptation Planning Spreadsheet: Adaptation Planning Tribal Climate Change Adaptation Plan Template Available by request:
11 Contact Information Sue Wotkyns Climate Change Program Manager Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals Cristina Gonzalez-Maddux Research Specialist Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals For more information about ITEP, please visit our website: / /