Spread sheet Evidence!
This is how I completed the spread sheet showing the membership fees.
We used lots of different formulas to make the spread sheet work. To find the numbers for the spread sheet, we used to the numbers on the spread sheet the exam board had given us and we were then able to use different formulas to make the spread sheet work.
Cell formatting Cell formatting is when I had to change the format of the cell for example from a number into a currency or when we changed the colours on our spread sheet to make them follow our colour scheme. To change the number into a currency, we had to go to the top of excel and change the drop down menu from general to currency We also changed the colour of the font, cells and the font and font size To change the colour of specific cells, we had to select the cell we wanted to change then go to the top of the document and go onto the paint tool and select the colour we wanted to use.
3D referencing 3D referencing allows us to get information from one spread sheet to another so that we have the exact number and we can be sure that the numbers are the same.
Using formulae makes it easier and quicker to add, multiply, subtract etc… This also means that the cells are joint together so that if one number was to change, the others connected to it would also change which ensures us that the equations and new numbers are correct Formulae
Next we started to find other memberships for adopting animals by researching different site that gave us costs for teen and child memberships in order to change the “DEFICIT” to “SURPLUS” Firstly, I created a table so I could put my research into it and present it clearly knowing the different prices of the different memberships. By creating the table, it is clear what the organisation is called, the type of organisation, the link to the site, the type of membership it is and the fee that is charged
Next, I had to research different sites in order to fill out my table. I went onto the internet and searched for The first website I found was ‘Marwell Wildlife’
I did this with all the websites that I found and completed the table From this information I am able to see that the prices are high and that the fees being charged yearly. I then dived each fee by 12 so that I was able to find the price for the membership yearly. However, the prices were still too low and when I put them into my spread sheet, the total was still deficit., because of this I then had to make up my own fees so they were higher and then also had to change the fees of platinum, gold and silver.
I used various different numbers in order to find a total that was the nearest to zero. I was able to change the costs of Platinum