1 Institutional Web Management: The Next Steps Brian Kelly UKOLN University of BathURL: Bath, BA2 7AY UKOLN is funded by the Library and Information Commission, the Joint Information Systems Committee of the Higher Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC’s Electronic Libraries Programme and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based.
2 UK Web Focus UK Web Focus: National web coordination post for UK HE community Based at UKOLN, University of Bath Responsibilities include: –Technology watch –Information dissemination in variety of ways: –Workshops (national, regional) –Presentations at conferences and seminars –Online –Coordination activities –Representing JISC on W3C
3 About The Workshop The Institutional Web Management workshop: Aimed at members of web teams responsible for managing institutional UK HE web services Speakers from within the HE community (plus one speakers from commercial world) Provides opportunity for interaction with fellow participants Ambitious programme Third in series (first held at KCL in July 1997 followed by last year’s event at Newcastle) Workshop committee: Brian Kelly (UKOLN) Andrew Aird (Goldsmiths College) Helen Varley Sargan (Cambridge)
4 Review of Workshops First Workshop: Short (lunchtime-lunchtime) Provided opportunity to meet people Second Workshop: Longer (one full day and 2 half-days) Discussion groups enabled several topics to be addressed in more depth (e.g. Design, Metadata, Server and Management Issues) This Workshop: More time for group discussions and networking Exhibition organised for third day Several new areas addressed: Multimedia, Content Management Systems, Customer Relationships, etc. Aims to identify areas in which additional work can be done by various groups and organisations, such as JISC, UCISA, UK Web Focus, regional groups, etc.
5 Workshop Participants 125+ workshop participants from various communities Systems Administrators Applications support staff Web / CWIS editors Information providers Managers / policy makers Designers Numbers: Sys Admin - Application Support - Web Editors - Information Providers - Managers - Designers - Trainers - Others - From: Computing services - Library - Academic depts - Admin / PR / etc. - Other HE - Non HE - Numbers: Sys Admin - Application Support - Web Editors - Information Providers - Managers - Designers - Trainers - Others - From: Computing services - Library - Academic depts - Admin / PR / etc. - Other HE - Non HE - Others
6 Timetable - Day 1 Introduction 1.30 Who Will Rid Me Of This Troublesome Beast (John Slater)2.00 Building Relationships Online (Joe Passmore)2.45 Coffee Break3.15 Multimedia and the Corporate Web (Greg Newton-Ingham)3.45 SMIL and the World Smiles With You (Michael Wilson)4.15 Beyond Brochureware: Building Functional University Websites (David Christmas)4.45 Announcements5.15 Check in At Loring Hall5.30 Dinner7.30
7 Timetable - Day 2 Introduction 9.00 Browser Management (Brett Burridge)9.15 Content Management Systems (Stephen Emmott) 9.45 Experiences with XML (James Currall)10.15 Coffee Break10.35 Web Security (Andrew Cormack) Indexing (Helen Sargan)11.30 Getting Your Web Site Listed (Danny Sullivan) Lunch12.30 Parallel Sessions Dinner Boat Trip 7.30
8 Timetable - Day 3 Introduction in Great Hall9.00 Exhibition and BoFs 9.15 Coffee Report Back from Parallel Sessions - here11.00 Review of Workshop (Paul Browning)11.30 Conclusions12.00 Lunch12.30
9 Questions?