In our study of the early human civilizations, SWBAT describe and evaluate the emergence and devlopment of civilizations and explain how innovations and adaptations changed societies by examining visuals, media and reading selections to gather details and draw conclusions, completing a chart, analyzing vocabulary and by creating an illustrated time- line/cave painting which shows advancements and change over time. (NCSCOS 6H.1, 6H.2, 6G.1)
WB: From the paintings we analyzed, what things stand out as enabling early groups to advance and develop? Justify your reasoning.
Hominid GroupCapabilities & PracticesTools Australopithecus Afarensis (Lucy & her relatives) Walked on two feet, used hands for carrying and gathering food and to defend themselves Homo Habilis: Handy Man Lived in groups/communities which helped them survive from animal attacks. Worked together. Animal bones for digging, rocks for chipping, sharp stones for cutting Homo Erectus: Upright Man First group to migrate out of Africa, strong walkers and runners, built shelters, better able to survive in cold temps and against enemies Axes made of stone, use of fire, Homo Sapiens: Neanderthal Man Skilled toolmakers, travelled and hunted in groups, buried their dead with flowers and tools, helped each other when injured, lived in community Knives, scrapers and spear points Homo Sapiens Sapiens: Doubly Wise Man or Cro-Magnum Painted cave paintings, engraved and sculpted (artwork), better hunters, created musical instruments More advanced tools with blades, hooks and spears for fishing, spear thrower and bow and arrow
WB: Which innovation resulted in the most significant development/progress between two groups? Justify your reasoning.
Homework: Study guide questions 7-14