One folder with pockets Notebook paper Blue or black pen No funky colors! Pencil Good eraser
Be at a table R-E-S-P-E-C-T Help each other Be prepared Follow handbook Follow directions Do not throw anything
Give constructive criticism Ask questions Never give up! Do your best- always! Work hard and don’t whine
Use good manners Be self- motivated Keep busy! Be creative! Have fun!
Make-up & Late Work Missed work depends on the number of days missed Late work 1 st day: 25% off 2 nd day: 0 and D-Hall until finished Discipline Policy Based on handbook Handled on a case-by-case basis
Academic Honesty
Learn to use various artistic mediums Learn to understand the role and functions of art in history and culture Learn to identify major artists and styles Learn to express yourself visually Learn to apply artistic elements and principles to artwork Learn to respond constructively to artwork, based on personal experience Learn to analyze, interpret, and evaluate the quality of artwork through art criticism and writing
Art Critiques 25% Art Projects and Tests 25% Workspace Organization 20% Daily Grades (Participation Included) 20% Bell Ringers 10% A+ B C F
In order to succeed: responsible serious kind ESPECIALLY DURING CRITIQUES!
Be organized. Every single day. Maintain “on task” behavior. Keep busy. Assist others. We are all in this together. Contribute ideas to brainstorming sessions. Absolutely no idea is bad! Meet ALL deadlines. Be flexible. Remember Murphy’s Law! Put all supplies away at the end of class. Be self-motivated. Take some initiative! Be creative!! Think outside of the box!