Attrition Management : Retaining Vs. Fresh Hiring… Trim the hedge at the right place & right time..
Old Grandma Story… Employee are meant to retire.. ( Conditions apply People want to make career’s.. – They love challenges catalyzing their growth even on cost of changing career’s. People who feel secure in their jobs become complacent. – They look for Employability rather than employment. Companies that have no hesitation laying off surplus employees do better than companies that go to great lengths to keep their workers employed.
aTTRITION mANAGEMENT means.. Managing your business's workforce is an ongoing task that requires constant evaluation to identify productive employees and separate them from those who are more suitable for replacement. But the decision between retaining or replacing an unproductive employee isn't an easy one. The reasons people leave organizations are not the same as the reasons people stay.
Types of Employees. Driver Critics Detached Resident Satisfaction Motivation
RETAINING THE Employees who act as Entrepreneurs living to contribute beyond the boundaries.. Are the apple of the eye – Target audience of a good retention Strategy.. They are greedy for challenges & hungry for growth & drive the organization to pinnacle.
Wash the…… Clearly identifying the weeds in the system & uprooting is a constant and indispensible need of the hour. Retention bar goes higher – Not only High loyalty, Productivity but engagement level is desired by employees.. Working hard is not the mantra – but working smart with sure short results..
Retaining the Rainmakers … Hire the right fit.. ( Lock & Key arrangement ) – Right skill for the role, right attitude for the culture of the team.. at large the organization. Silk smooth transition … ( First impression is the lasting experience ) – Transition to the organization should be a exciting and soothing experience. Keeping the challenges alive…. ( Balancing the weights ) – Keep the environment competitive and conducive.
Retaining Strategies for different levels.. 3 Levels Low Level Appreciating and recognizing a well done job. Recognizing professional as well as personal significant events. Provide benefits Provide perks Provide workplace convenience Fun at work Occasional stress relievers Employee support in touch time of personal crisis. Middle Level Recognizing and rewarding the job well done. Benefit program for family and support. Providing convenience at wok place. Providing training and development & personal growth opportunities. High Level Promoting Work life effectiveness. Understand employee needs Encouraging professional training and development / and or personal growth opportunities. Provide and environment of trust. Hire the right people form the beginning.
Completing the Circle..
Cultural Outlook Japan China Korea US and UK Sweden & Norvey Middle East India
Motivation + Manage Attrition of good performers by Role and Outlook improvement + Some Fresh Hiring Fresh Hiring as per the requirement + Attrition Management as per the industry practice + Talent Development Fresh Hiring more than Required + All possible ways to manage attrition + Talent Development Accelerate Forced Attrition Fresh Hiring + Talent Development Fresh Hiring + Keep even the average performer charged up + Talent Development Growth Rate Decline Maintained Fast Growth Employment Scenario Talent Available Talent Not available
Impact of Economic Growth Fresh Hiring + Good Motivation Fresh Hiring + Aggressive Attrition Management General Motivation OnlyHold the Folk Industry/ Economic Growth Rate Company’s Growth Rate Slow Fast