Mr. Hammill Phillip O Berry. Warm-Up Please pull out your Goal 7 Syllabus and complete essential questions # 1,2,5 Answer the following question… What.


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Presentation transcript:

Mr. Hammill Phillip O Berry

Warm-Up Please pull out your Goal 7 Syllabus and complete essential questions # 1,2,5 Answer the following question… What do you believe has been the most important progressive reform that we have studied?

Young Teddy Asthma Home remedies  Drank coffee  Smoked cigars  Exercised

Teenager Teddy Works hard in his father’s home gym  boxing Overcomes illnesses through the strength of his will

TR: Harvard Years Magna Cum Laude Skiing and boxing

Early Adult Years 1881 – Climbing the Matterhorn (Switzerland-Italy)

Rough Riders Volunteer cavalry brigade Victory at San Juan Hill Medal of Honor Winner

Roosevelt Becomes President Assassination of McKinley A “visible president” Youngest Pres.  age 42

Philosophy Internationally—he was a Social Darwinist Domestically—believed that government should actively help all people.

Roosevelt as Conservationist National Parks, National Forests, game and bird preserves, and other federal reservations Roosevelt was a strong conservationist President Theodore Roosevelt at Yosemite in 1903.

Roosevelt and National Parks "Leave it as it is. You can not improve on it. The ages have been at work on it, and man can only mar it."

Federal Lands

Roosevelt’s Square Deal More Federal Power Take up for the common man Progressive reforms Provide a “square” fair deal for everyone

Attack on Laissez Faire Work to curb the power of trusts "within reasonable limits" Roosevelt the “Trust Buster”

TRUSTBUSTER! Elkins Act (1903)- Illegal to give and receive rebates for using a certain railroad ( It means you Rockefeller) Hepburn Act (1906)- limited free rail passes and let ICC set maximum rates 1902: Federal Govt. sues Northern Securities Company (owned by JP Morgan) - TR says NSC violated Sherman Anti-Trust Act - Supreme Court agrees with T. Roosevelt - Roosevelt’s popularity soared

The Lion Tamer

Food and Drugs Meat Inspection Act (1906)- set strict standards and est. federal inspection program Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)- stopped sale of contaminated food and drugs; ensure truth labeling

Roosevelt and Civil Rights Did not fully support civil rights Invited Booker T. Washington to the White House as a symbolic gesture Overall, Roosevelt did not make an effort to further the rights of African Americans around the country.

Presidential Firsts First to invite an African American to a White House dinner First to have Secret Service protection First to win Nobel Peace Prize for his work towards ending the Russo-Japanese War First to take trip outside the United States

More Presidential Firsts First to give an open invitation to the press First to be submerged in a submarine, to own a car, to have a telephone in his home, and to be allowed to operate the light switches in the White House